25/2 Big Data Fusion For I-HLS
Modern threats are diverse from crime to full scale war, by terror attacks or cyber attacks against nation critical infrastructures.
Intelligence needed to stop them is out there, in the virtual world, and the challenge is to gather, estimate and give out warning in real-time.

These new Challanges will be the subject discussed in the coming Big Data Fusion conference: Analysis capabilities, surveillance and applications – a map to understanding
intelligence in the cyber world. Speakers in the different lectures will talk of the tools and technologies of Big Data
Fusion that being used in the intelligence field.

17/3 International Startup Convention TLV
At our Startup Area you could find a wide range of startups from different fields, including IOT, Cyber, Big Data, VR/AR, Cloud, and many many more.

Come to be the first to see and pick the next big thing.

During the day, Pioneer’s startups competition will be held.

Perimeter security – Security bodies are looking for technological means,
ways of defending and coping with different threats in different terrains (land, air and water) in order to protect strategic infrastructures (electricity, gas, water, refineries,
vital plants, chemical plants,government, transportation, communications, ports, airports and more).
Oil and gas companies are tempting targets for terror organizations to attack, to harm natural resources and the “economical waters” of Israel and other
countries around the world.

Offshore – Due to closeness to shore and the size of the oil and gas rigs, they are vulnerable and allow the enemy to have a significant affect with
attacking them. Security bodies are supposed to allow the rig to continue its operation 24/7 under any threat or attempted attack in everyday as well as emeregency.
Ways of defending and coping with different threats on different terrains (air, water and underwater )
in order to defend strategic and economic infrastructures.

27/6 IAMD 5th Israel Air Missile Defence Conference & Exhibition
The changing challenges in modern aerial defense is well-known. The needs of aerial supremacy in the battlefield along with the need to protect a nation’s sky
from a variety of aerail threats all call for a multidisciplinary coping. So are the coping needs with using aerial operation
abilities in an area protected by advanced aerial defense systems, along with the need to answer all sorts of aerial threats, from ballistic and other missiles, cruise
missile, rockets and mortar to miniature unmanned aerial vehicles carrying explosives.

20/7 future forces
Solutions and innovations needed on the end fighter’s personal level, in a basic situation where rescue and security services need to stand up against
a wide range of challengs.
The conference will deal with special weapons, special sights, detection and proximity sensors, throught the wall sensors, personal armor vs. armor, smart uniform, explosivesdetection on people, autonomous communications with early
detection, nano-robotics, personal communications systems, attack cyber for breathrough forces, advanced and efficient weapons non- lethal measures.

19/9 aus&r – aus&r conference and exhibition for

unnamed systems and robotics
COFERENCE, EXHIBITION & LIVE DISPLAY The fourth demonstration of unmanned aerial and ground vehicles, advanced systems for serveillance and reconnaissance,
among other things, will be displayed to the audience one after the other. A special broadcasting unit will transfer the images in real-time to many
media networks around the world. Along with a proffesional conference and exhibition – industry experts from Israel and the world will be
speaking throughout the day – the leading companies in the field will present their products and technologies.

2/11 Video analytics for i-hls
Israel a world leaded in the field of HLS, with proven abilities and means.
Israel companies are leading and involved in many of the most ambitious and prestigious projects in the world, and the Israeli technology
is based on knowledge and operational experience. In today’s security world one of the most efficient elements is the video. In the
security field, video footage are used as a means to verify alerts detected by other sensors. Video capabillities provida a wide range of detection
and identification abillities, all based of analysis of the video footage.

23/11 Iot conference
Computerized devices in the internet. Connecting systems and serviced with a wide range of protocols and applications such as monitoring securityand remote
control systems, cyber, components, software and applications. Connectivity via radio connection or cellular communication or internet communication.
Internet, WIFI, computerized systems and micro electomachnical systems.
Former head of CIA, David Petraeus, said at the start of 2012 that “smart houses” are a real treasure to espionage and is about to “change our perception
of secrecy”. According to Petraeus: “Objects of interest will be detected, identified, monitoredand remote controlled using technologies such as:
radio frequency detection, sensors networks, nano-servers – and all will be connected to the next generation of the internet with high-power low-cost

20/12 Military and c4i technologies for terrain dominance
Terrain Dominance – Advanced technological solutions offering control in urban territories and border areas. Terrain dominance is based on multi-dimensional
technological intelligence capabilities – different sensors systems: visual, radar, acoustic, seismis, electro-magnetic – installed on various platforms and
put in the ground/ on the ground/ in the sea/ in air- and space – combining and fusing sensors output creates an informative terrain image.