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The Cyberattacks Accompanying Iran’s Missiles

Iran-sponsored cyberattacks have significantly increased in recent weeks, with multiple hacker groups shifting their focus to Israeli targets. Indeed, before Iran’s missile attack on...
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Hypersonic Missile Tracking Satellites

The US Space Development Agency (SDA) plans to test its hypersonic missile detection satellite constellation, which was developed by SpaceX and L3Harris Technologies. The...
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Israel Destroys Iranian Missiles Outside the Earth’s Atmosphere

Israel has reportedly made exoatmospheric intercepts of the Iranian rockets on Sunday. Any missile intercepted outside the Kármán line (the boundary of Earth’s atmosphere,...
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The World’s First Military Space Exercise

The US Space Force announced its partnership with Rocket Lab and True Anomaly for the first ever military demonstration in space. This first-of-its-kind TacRS mission...
weapon hiding. image by pixabay

The ‘Cybercrime Index’ Ranks Countries by Cybercrime Threat Level

An international team of researchers worked for three years to compile the first ever "World Cybercrime Index” (which was developed as a joint partnership...
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AI in Wartime

Artificial intelligence is gaining use in modern warfare – what does it mean, and is it dangerous? AI, while faster than humans, is not...
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America’s New Missile Spitting System to Be Deployed in the Asia...

The US will reportedly station its state-of-the-art Typhon missile system capable of firing both SM-6 and Tomahawk missiles in the Asia Pacific region by...
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New Manta Ray Underwater Drone for High-Endurance Missions

Northrop Grumman Corporation announced a new unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV) prototype called the Manta Ray, which can reportedly carry out long-range, extended-duration, and large payload-capable underwater...
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A Look into the Cyberthreats Leading to the Elections

2024 is an election year for many countries worldwide, and cybersecurity experts are worried about the destructive influence cyber threats and AI can cause. Take...
screenshot from IWI video

Israel’s New ‘Computerized’ Arbel Firing System for Light Weapons

Israel Weapon Industries (IWI) recently announced a new, first-of-its-kind “computerized small arms system” that is designed for more accurate firing during combat. The Arbel system...
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Should We Sanction the Use of Cyberweapons, or The Weapons Themselves?

Cyberspace is being increasingly used in conflicts, which means that cyber arms control needs to be addressed as well. A recent analysis published by...
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Solar-Electric VTOL Drone Can Fly For 3 Days

The US Navy is going to get KHA’s solar-powered K1000ULE drone, which will be used as part of their Small Unit Remote Scouting System....
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Europe’s Largest Nuclear Power Plant Attacked by Drones

Russian nuclear power corporation Rosatom accuses Ukraine’s army of attacking the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant (ZNPP) with drones. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) confirms...
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The 2024 Milipol Singapore Exhibition – A Review of Trends in...

Written by Or Shalom The Milipol exhibition, held in Singapore on April 3-5, 2024, dealt as always with homeland security technologies. The exhibition, in collaboration...
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Miniature Robot ‘Smart Swarms’ Inspired by Nature Could Soon Flow Through...

Researchers developed “smart swarms” of miniature robots after drawing inspiration from nature, observing ant colonies, fish schools, and beehives. These mini-bot swarms collaborate through engineered...
photo illus. artificial intelligence by Pixabay

Evaluating Large Language Models for Cybersecurity Applications

A white paper published by SEI and OpenAI claims large language models could be an asset for cybersecurity professionals, but must be evaluated using...
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Electronic Warfare Gets New Human-Like Thinking

The Southwest Research Institute was commissioned by the United States Air Force to develop a new “cognitive” electronic warfare system, with algorithms to help...
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Can Data be Stored in DNA?

Analyzing and storing large amounts of data requires a lot of energy, so the future of technology might hold a different approach to data...
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The Israeli Technology Saving Firefighters Worldwide

The most important thing in dangerous situations is being aware of one’s spatial location, especially when that space is a burning building. Firefighters worldwide...
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The Phishing Platform Automating Cybercrime

Darcula is a new Chinese-language phishing-as-a-service platform with more than 20,000 phishing domains that target organizations in over 100 countries. While the concept of an...
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Revolutionary Drone Engine Tested, Marking A Hypersonic Future

Venus Aerospace reports a successful test of its rotating detonation engine (RDE) on a small drone, promising hypersonic travel. Rotating detonation engines are a promising...
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New Body-Safe Battery Implants Are Sustained by Body Oxygen

Researchers developed a new type of battery that runs on oxygen in the body and never runs out of power, which can be implanted...


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Data Breaches Are Connected to Mass Layoffs, Research

A research team from Binghamton University and the State University of New York explains the connection between mass layoffs and data breaches, theorizing that...