Technology News

Technology News

GPS jamming

Unintended or intentional GPS/GNSS signal jamming or spoofing can disrupt defense and commercial operations. Moreover, it can be virtually impossible to know if a...
Net Shooting Drone

China has been at work developing a drone that is very reminiscent of the superhero Spiderman. The drone is capable of firing a large...

iHLS INNOFENSE - Innovation program for technological startups in the civilian and security sector, which will be operated by iHLS in collaboration with the...
Photo illust. robotics US Army-

Attend the seventh Conference and Exhibition on Unmanned Systems and Robotics - AUS&R 2019. Register! Representatives from government, leading defense industries, military, security forces and law...
Polish Strike Quadcopter

A Polish company has recently unveiled a new quadcopter attack drone designed for urban warfare and capable of carrying a warhead in order to...
Photo illustration US Army

Tactical armored vehicles require specialized repair procedures, which is very costly. The US Army developed a “cold spray” process allowing it to refurbish worn...
Photo illustration US DoD

The U.S. Army has been trying to determine when and how it will use armed ground robots on the battlefield. Within its efforts, a...
Photo illustration US Navy Flickr

The US Army is looking for a long-range precision munition (LRPM) system for rotary and unmanned aircraft systems capable of engaging targets in adverse...
Photo illust. US Air Force

Transporting blood resupply to the battlefield matches the strengths and constraints of small uncrewed aerial systems. Medical researchers at Johns Hopkins already determined in...
Photo illust. US DoD

The US Marine soldiers will enjoy better depth perception and improved sight in extremely obscured conditions, thanks to a new binocular-style night-vision device. The Corps...
Photo illust. gas leak pixabay

Leaks in the production, processing and transport of natural gas emit methane — the main constituent of natural gas—into the atmosphere. A greenhouse gas,...
Photo illustration US Navy

The British Ministry of Defense (MoD) has unveiled a next-generation unmanned system, known as MAST-13, for the protection of the Royal Navy’s future ships...
Photo illustration US Navy

A new technology provides a quick, easy confirmation that the person you’re looking at is the person they say they are.  When the driver,...
Photo from Aero-News Network Youtube-

A pioneering UAV flight demonstrated a beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS) capability at high altitudes. The HiDRON stratospheric glider successfully reached a new...
Photo from Milrem's Youtube

One of the problems with unmanned ground vehicles is how do you get them to where you need to use them. The THeMIS unmanned...
video surveillance

Government agencies and businesses constantly seek new ways to make their areas safer and secure. An innovative artificial-intelligence-powered video surveillance system could help improve...
Photo illust US Army, smartphone

How do you translate the powerful consumer technology of smartphones into something that can be useful and secure on the battlefield? Soldiers need something...
Photo illust US Navy

Reliable communication over the open sea is a great technological challenge. It is impossible to have a stationary infrastructure at sea. Nevertheless, increasing resolutions...
Photo by Gahat Systems

A series of robotic platforms and driven mobility systems has been revolutionizing the extreme mobility field for all weather conditions all-terrain and water. The...
Remote Heart Surgery

An Indian surgeon has recently been the first to successfully perform heart surgery on a patient lying on the operating table over 20 miles...
Photo illust S-400 Wikimedia-

By ARIE EGOZI Turkey may soon purchase additional Russian-made weapon systems. This after it completed the deployment of the Russian-made S-400 air defense systems. Turkish Foreign...
drone illust. Pixabay

Security technologies are often described as either "automated" or "autonomous." These words sound similar but have very different meanings. Both types of systems can...