

  In April this year Tesla announced another one of its revolutionary technologies - the Powerwall. The announcement immediately garnered much attention and in the...

Google is ramping up recruiting at Makani, hinting that the ambitious project to create "energy kites" that generate cheap wind power is moving closer...

For over a week Crimea has been without reliable power supply after explosions damaged pylons and cut off electricity supply from Ukraine. While the...

Wireless technology has revolutionised our lives. The now ubiquitous WiFi connects us instantaneously to the wider internet, but soon it will be able to...

Electric vehicles (EV) are still far from the norm, but their increasing popularity is driving money into research for chargers and ancillary devices. Soon,...

In today’s world, information is power - in any field. The more information we are receiving, the better our advantage and dominance in a...

Milrem will showcase its multipurpose UGV (unmanned ground vehicle) using Graphene ultra-capacitor technology for power at DSEI 2015, Defense World reports. The high power cells...

If a hacker is capable of breaking in to our computer systems, with a little more effort surely they could disrupt larger targets as...

The rush to automate more factory processes may look like it’s saving money, but to Ken Westin, a senior security analyst at Tripwire, it’s...

The world is marching in a more and more technological direction as time passes, which brings to our doorsteps unmanned platforms whose duration time...

A fancy house in a prestigious neighborhood. All electrical appliances are the latest model. Suddenly a black out. Everything stops working at once. A military...

Future Forces For HLS Future Forces 4 HLS   The upcoming conference for the HLS Future Forces is to be held on July 21st, bringing with...

Since the big tzunami disaster in Japan in 2011 that damaged the nuclear power plant if Fukushima, many have been trying to get inside...

Google announces the formation of Sidewalk Labs, whose goal is finding technological solutions to issues rising in urban living such as living expenses, transportation...

As city centers became more crowded, so did crime become more common. In dealing with rising crime rates in its region, the Orlando City...

Ashot Ashkelon, together with the Italian companies Efesto and C.F.M. Air have developed a new hybrid propulsion system (HPS). aviation safety . The system was...

Interview with Gil Friedman from RED WAVES What is Red Waves' main contribution ? The role of  manpower in such a system The main challenges in the development process The challenges Rad Waves faces in...

THE FREEDOM TO WORK ANY TIME AND ANYWHERE When we think about the work environment 30 years ago, it seems real changes have occurred since...

Hezbollah's open preparations for another round against Israel are extremely worrying. They are not only worrying due to the dozens of rockets the terror...

America’s military planners recognize the growing threat from an EMP attack by bad actors around the world, in particular North Korea and Iran. An EMP...

Real time systems are software and hardware that must operate according to a set sequence, with no diversions. In comparison to a home computer,...

Top security experts from Israel and foreign countries are gathered in Herzelia today to get updates on the recent technologies that serve perimeter and...