New Hyper-Fast Chip for Smarter AI

Researchers at Tsinghua University in China developed a new photonic chip that processes, transmits, and reconstructs images in mere nanoseconds by skipping the optical...
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Machines Get Human-Like Perception with the World’s Fastest Vision Chip

Scientists created Tianmouc – the world’s first brain-inspired vision chip capable of sensing 10,000 frames per second, efficiently handling extreme scenarios, and ensuring system...
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Scientists Create the World’s Purest Silicon – Revolutionizing Quantum Computers

High-performance qubit devices are a fundamental part of quantum computing, and so a new ultra-pure form of silicon would allow the construction of high-performance...
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The World’s First “Commercially Useful” Quantum Computer

The Australian government is investing in quantum computing startup PsiQuantum to build the world’s first ‘useful’ quantum computer and bring the quantum industry to...

The New Chip That Can Protect You from Data Theft

Researchers from the MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab developed new machine-learning accelerator chips that aim to enhance data security for health trackers, fitness apps, and...
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Scientists Create, Store, and Retrieve Quantum Data for the First Time

Scientists from various European universities managed to store and retrieve data from quantum computers for the first time in history- an essential step in...
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The World’s First Programmable Photonic Chip

In a revolutionary step for telecommunications, data centers, and artificial intelligence systems, researchers at UPV’s Photonics Research Laboratory in Spain worked with private company...
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Cheap AI Chips Used to Boost Hypersonic Weapons Range

Researchers from the Beijing Power Machinery Research Institute and the Dalian University of Technology integrated a cheap AI chip module (the NVIDIA Jetson TX2i)...
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Secure Quantum Computing in Your Private Home

Researchers from Oxford University developed “blind quantum computing” – a new approach to securely connect two quantum computing entities using existing fiber optic systems....
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Quantum Computers Just Turned 800 Times More Reliable

Quantum computing company Quantinuum and tech giant Microsoft claim they reached an “unprecedented” breakthrough in quantum computing reliability, drastically reducing error rates and physical...
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Two Revolutionary AI Chips Can Control Robots Through Thought

These two chips might be the key to developing sophisticated brain-computer interfacing. Scientists from the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China claim to...
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New Approach Revolutionizes Quantum Computer Cybersecurity

Quantum computers can solve complex problems exponentially faster than classical computers and are hailed as the future of computing; however, they are still vulnerable...
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Light-Based Solutions Revolutionize Computing

There is a recent explosion in demand for computer processing power worldwide following the AI boom, and the traditional methods of fitting ever-smaller transistors...
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China is Boosting its Cyber Defenses in Fear of Cyberattacks and...

China reportedly intends to improve the data security of its industrial sector in order to effectively contain any “major risks,” a process that is...
Hardware. image by pixabay

Same Hardware – Double the Speed?

A new approach developed by researchers at the University of California can double the processing power of existing devices without any addition of hardware,...
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New Type of Cyberattack Uses Wireless Charger to Set Your Smartphone...

Security experts from the University of Florida worked with CertiK and found a certain class of cyberattacks that could cause a smartphone to catch...

“Unhackable” Computer Chip Works on Light

Researchers from the University of Pennsylvania developed a new computer chip that uses light instead of electricity, which can improve AI model training by...
Hardware. image by pixabay

Experts Claim AI Safety is Rooted in Hardware, Not Software

A major new report calls for the regulation of the hardware that underpins all AI ("compute") to help prevent artificial intelligence misuse and disasters. Several...
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Can Quantum Computers be Beaten by Classical Computers?

Researchers from NYU discovered that classical computers could keep up with or even surpass quantum computers in certain circumstances. Classical computers can get a...
Ashurov sindor, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

Revolutionizing AI Processing with Spintronics

SpinEdge is a graduate of the INNOFENSE Innovation Center operated by iHLS in collaboration with IMoD. Computation power and AI-based processing are becoming increasingly prevalent...
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A Camera That Protects Your Face from Unauthorized Recognition

Facial recognition is technology that can identify or verify a person's identity based on their face, and can be used for various purposes, like unlocking smartphones,...
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Turning Glass into A Quantum Computer? Scientists Transform Everyday Materials into...

Today’s universal computing devices are built of silicon, which is a semiconductor material. According to Interesting Engineering, silicon behaves like a conducting material under...


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Improving Automatic Software Repair

FIXCHECK is a new approach to improve patch fix analysis that combines static analysis, randomized testing, and large language models, created by IMDEA Software...