Machine Learning

Machine Learning

machine learning

  A new digital system will supply translation services to US military expeditionary forces around the world. The US military recently revealed the Machine Foreign...
future forces

What technology will reshape the future battlefield? How will technological innovations change the way first responders operate during law enforcement and rescue missions? The Future...

iHLS, the global media leader in security technology, is inviting entrepreneurship in this field, with emphasis on dual-use technology, to join the third cycle of...
deep learning

A deep learning digital solution project to advance airport checkpoint x-ray system screening capabilities has been announced. Smiths Detection Inc. (SDI) will partner with...
startup festival

The startup festival and Startup Live competition are back for the second time! If you want to keep pace with the latest technologies or...
big data for homeland security

iHLS fifth annual conference on Big Data for Homeland Security attracted many technology experts, investors, entrepreneurs and representatives of the high-tech industries, defense industries,...
startup festival

We are delighted to invite you to participate in a unique event and present on our stage your original ideas to investors, customers and...
UAV in urban envrironment

Deep reinforcement learning (an aspect of machine learning) was used to generate new development enabling the landing of a fixed wing UAV in urban...