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No More Blackbox – This AI Air Combat System Can Explain...

Researchers from the Northwestern Polytechnical University in China managed to create a smart air combat system that can explain its decision-making process in wartime...
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Studies Warn That AI Has Learned to Deceive Humans

A significant number of artificial intelligence systems were revealed to have developed the ability to deceive humans, a troubling pattern that raises serious concerns...
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Microsoft Launched Chatbot for Intelligence Agencies

Tech giant Microsoft recognized the need for a fully secure AI system for handling sensitive intelligence data and created a “chatbot for spies” that...
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Nature-Based Deep Learning Model Inspired by Insects Set to Revolutionize Vehicle...

While companies all over the world are working on deep learning techniques that will enable machines to operate autonomously, this UK-based startup is on...
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Can GPT-4 Hack Your Computer?

Researchers from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign investigated Large language models like GPT-4 and their effectiveness in exploiting cybersecurity vulnerabilities, and found they can...
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AI Helps Detect Crime and Predict Crime Hot Spots

Law enforcers all over the world are constantly trying to fight crime by detection and prevention, attempting to stay ahead of the criminals. A...
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The World’s First Programmable Photonic Chip

In a revolutionary step for telecommunications, data centers, and artificial intelligence systems, researchers at UPV’s Photonics Research Laboratory in Spain worked with private company...
Cyber intelligence. image by pixabay

Global Strategies to Accelerate AI in Science and Research

The International Science Council's Center for Science Futures published the report "Preparing National Research Ecosystems for AI: Strategies and Progress in 2024" to address...
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Revolutionary Method Identifies AI-Generated Text

Discerning accuracy and detecting misinformation is crucial in today's online environment, where brief texts (like social media posts or internet comments) have a major...
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Can AI Replace Scientists?

AI based tools are already being used by scientists to help with scientific work, but research suggests that trusting AI might lead to more...
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Anti-AI Weapon Can Wipe Models Clean

The overall goal is to provide a tool for researchers to assess and address the risks associated with LLMs being used for harmful purposes. Amidst...
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Innovative Search and Rescue Drones Use Noise Cancellation to Find Victims

The use of drones and UAVs has grown immensely in various fields during the past few years. A main area of interest is search...
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AI and Disinformation: Problems and Solutions

Whether we like it or not, our opinions and narratives are constantly being shaped by social media, and in the age of AI this...
Hardware. image by pixabay

Experts Claim AI Safety is Rooted in Hardware, Not Software

A major new report calls for the regulation of the hardware that underpins all AI ("compute") to help prevent artificial intelligence misuse and disasters. Several...
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Microsoft Claims Adversary Countries are Using Generative AI For Cyber Operations

Microsoft claims US adversaries like Iran, North Korea, Russia, and China are beginning to use generative AI to organize offensive cyber operations. The tech giant...
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Can AI be Controlled? Expert Opinion

Some experts claim that there is no current evidence that AI can be controlled safely. And if so, should it even be developed? AI Safety...
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Smarter eco-cities, AI and AI of Things

Smarter eco-cities are intelligent urban environments that leverage cutting-edge Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT) solutions to address and mitigate environmental challenges. The integration of AIoT...
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New Research Combats Deepfake Audio

Deepfakes and tempered audio can now be created with the press of a button and are therefore much more dangerous. New research by School...
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AI’s Impact on Cybersecurity

The impact of AI on cybersecurity is transforming the methods we use to secure digital platforms. It is both providing attackers with sophisticated new...
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An Innovative Solution to Protect ChatGPT from Jailbreak Attacks

Large language models (known as LLMs) are deep learning-based models that are trained to generate, summarize, translate, and process written texts. While such models...
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Experts Claim Biggest Threat to Global Economy is AI-Driven Misinformation

World Economic Forum (WEF) declares that the biggest short-term threat to the global economy is the current wave of AI-led misinformation and disinformation. Misinformation is...
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AI and Discrimination – A Study

A recent study by the DHBW Stuttgart looked into AI’s ability to recognize discriminatory content in images and advertisements, showing both impressive progress and...


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Enhancing Thermal Imaging for Military and Medical Use

University of Houston professor of electrical and computer engineering Jiming Bao developed a new method to measure the continuous spectrum of light that is...