Hi-Tech Explosives Detection Systems

Morpho, through its subsidiary Morpho Detection, announced a contract assigned to its local partner Segtec by Mexico airport operator Grupo Aeroportuario del Sureste (ASUR)...

iHLS TV Future Forces For HLS

Future Forces For HLS Future Forces 4 HLS   The upcoming conference for the HLS Future Forces is to be held on July 21st, bringing with...

New smart helmet that saves lives

A new Israeli development offers a solution to dangerous situations durings flights where a pilot loses control over the vehicle for a short time....

Can a hacker hijack a plane from his seat ?

Israeli experts say that this claim has to be investigated further but add that is was clear the the connectivity on passenger aircraft is...

Hazard in the skies –  lithium-ion batteries

Rechargeable lithium-ion batteries may soon have to be imported by other means than air shipments after at least eighteen airlines have banned shipments of...

Ongoing attacks against oil tankers

A new report details a malicious and largely unknown targeted attacks on oil tankers. First discovered in January 2014, the ongoing attacks on oil...

DHS – Lone-wolf terror attack could come at any moment

A lone-wolf terrorist could attack the United States at any time, Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson warned earlier this week. “We’re very definitely in a...

Experts from Israel and abroad participate in the Perimeter & off...

Top security experts from Israel and foreign countries are gathered in Herzelia today to get updates on the recent technologies that serve perimeter and...

privacy concerns VS airport security

Researchers in Northeastern University, funded by DHS’s Office of Science and Technology, are developing surveillance technologies better to help airport security officials scan passengers...

Trucks from the Sky

Polaris Pitches DAGOR for ULCV Truck makers have just submitted data to the US Army concerning potential candidates for the Ultra-Light Combat Vehicle. An army...

UAV health monitoring

The unmanned air systems (UAS) operated by the Israeli Air Force (IAF) have been strained to their limits during the month of fighting in...

iHLS TV – Special Video Report : Airport perimeter security

It is amazing to learn that perimeter security of U.S airport is so not efficient. Several hundred times over the last decade, intruders have hopped...

A new HLS division at IMI

Robots, Less Lethal Weapons and more: the Israeli Military Industry is expanding into the Homeland Security area Nobody at IMI is waiting for the company’s...

Two women arrested for plotting propane bomb attacks in NY

Two NY women, were arrested and charged with conspiracy to use a weapon of mass destruction in the US, according to federal prosecutors. FBI officials...

Surveillance cameras in passenger planes?

Discussions in the aftermath of the Germanwings plane crash have raised the demand that surveillance cameras would be put in the cockpit, as an...

How does one SPOT a terrorist?

A secret 92-point checklist, obtained and published Friday by The Intercept, reveals for the first time what kind of passenger behavior can merit a...

Terrorists plan to attack rail systems

Has Successful Terror Gone to Ground? Terrorists have shifted their focus in recent years away from attacking airlines to attacking subway and rail systems. This,...

The Growing club of armored cars users

Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott has recently started using his new armored BMW as his regular mode of transportation. Abbott treated himself to the...

Air Traffic Control System Vulnerable to Cyberattack

The country’s air traffic control systems are vulnerable to hackers. This, according to a 42-page document entitled "Information Security: FAA Needs to Address Weaknesses...

American companies want to expand their use of UAVs

Will the U.S aviation authorities succumb to the pressure for a wide use of UAV (unmanned aerial vehicles) for commercial purposes? For now, the US...

Armored Fighting Vehicles: Poland to fortify its MRAP vehicles with Israeli...

The MRAP (Mine Resistant Ambush Protected) vehicles the U.S gave the Polish Special Forces are fitted with Israeli-made armor. The U.S is helping Poland equip...

Much ado about the FAA’s UAS regulation

The FAA's proposed drone legislation: the return of the nanny-state After months of waiting, the Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) finally issued its official draft proposal...


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Data Breaches Are Connected to Mass Layoffs, Research

A research team from Binghamton University and the State University of New York explains the connection between mass layoffs and data breaches, theorizing that...