The first-ever armored taxi appears in Russia

This is the most unique Taxi in the world. If you happen to be in Russia, you can now take a ride in military...

Most cars are vulnerable to hacking or privacy intrusions

All a hacker needs to be able to break into your car is an iPad. This, according to a report which was recently released...

New honeycomb tire for security forces

Tires are akin to that old nursery rhyme that begins with "For want of a nail the shoe was lost" and ends with "For...

iHLS TV Weekly Video Report – February 10th 2015

Register to iHLS Israel Homeland Security In this weekly Video report (February 10th 2015): U.S Visa waiver program is under attack by many experts Terror attacks on...

Pressure to revive uniform air-passenger information legislation in Europe

The European Parliament is considering reviving draft legislation which would force airline companies to give EU member governments a cohesive and uniform set of...

Terror attacks on rail systems by domestic terrorists: a major U.S...

The terror attacks in Paris have renewed a sense of insecurity among residents of major U.S. cities. One of the latest Islamic State threats...

The U.S Visa waiver program is under attack by many experts

The plan to apply a visa waiver program to the U.S is being attacked from many sides. Recently, Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson acknowledged the...

More streamlined security checks at U.S airports?

Thirteen years after the 9/11 attacks, Americans are beginning to adjust to less oppressive security checks at airports. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has...

Hovering UAVs secure Jerusalem’s light train

BLADEWORX is among the presenters at the upcoming Autonomous Unmanned Systems & Robotics Expo on November 25-26 2014 The disturbances and riots which broke out...

Does Israel keep capitulating to foreign demands?

The terrorist organization ISIS might introduce aircraft hijacking as part of its war against the West. Will this new situation provide Israel's Transport Ministry...

The week ahead: House eyes passport holders linked to ISIS

U.S Lawmakers this week will focus on the threat of Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) members using western passports to enter the...

How wireless technology can dramatically improve ship safety

Quickly and efficiently evacuating passengers and crew from a ship in case of emergency is a matter of life and death. With a view...

NYC bridges need better protection against terrorists

New York City’s bridges have longed been the target of terrorist attacks. In 1993 officials discovered a plot by Omar Abdel-Rahman to target the...

‘Eyesight’ Software Will Scan for Suspicious Behavior

The MARTA - Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority has contracted with a Houston-based security firm to analyze its surveillance video using an artificial-intelligence-based software that "learns"...

Photo-ID security checks flawed: Study

Passport issuing officers are no better at identifying whether someone is holding a fake passport photo than the average person, new research has revealed. A pioneering...

Australia’s airports ‘seriously’ lack security

The Australian Senate will consider calls for an inquiry into security at Australia's airports after a 7News investigation uncovered some 'serious' flaws. A key worry...

GPS vehicle pursuit darts

High-speed chases can be dangerous both for police officers and the general public. To minimize that danger, a company called StarChase has developed a...


Elbit Systems has developed the mini-MUSIC  system, the newest member of the Israeli company's  family of Directional Infra-Red Countermeasure (DIRCM) systems. According to the company...

Downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17- complicated investigation

The U.S is doing a huge effort to prove that pro-Russian separatists are responsible for the downing of Malaysia Airlines FlightMH17. The United States is...

Global homeland security market to reach $364.44 billion in 2020

According to a new market report published by Transparency Market Research the global homeland security market was valued at USD 245.72 billion in 2013,...

TSA asked To Allow Privately Trained Dogs to Screen Cargo

The U.S. Air forwarders Association told a congressional panel that the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) should move toward permitting private contractors to train explosive-sniffing...

U.S. Airports Sue TSA Over Security Costs

The U.S. airports are fighting against the federal rule changes that would require them to pay for staff at security checkpoint exit lanes starting...


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Improving Automatic Software Repair

FIXCHECK is a new approach to improve patch fix analysis that combines static analysis, randomized testing, and large language models, created by IMDEA Software...