Perimeter Security

Perimeter Security

A succession of “performance, organizational, technical” and other failures by the Secret Service enabled an intruder to climb a fence and enter the White...

Red Waves Systems is among the presenters at the upcoming Autonomous Unmanned Systems & Robotics Expo on November 25-26 2014 Long pipe infrastructure, which could...

The riots and disturbances in Jerusalem and its outskirts in recent months have one again proven the need for non-lethal crowd dispersal means. In fact,...

The U.S Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced Tuesday that travelers from three West African Ebola-affected countries will now be required to enter the...

ELBIT and CONTROP are among the presenters at the upcoming Autonomous Unmanned Systems & Robotics Expo on November 25-26 2014 Part 1 specified the...

ELBIT and CONTROP are among the presenters at the upcoming Autonomous Unmanned Systems & Robotics Expo on November 25-26 2014 The iHLS technology desk...

The C-Dome Naval Point Defense System is designed to effectively protect combat vessels against a large set of modern threats. C-Dome handles saturation attacks...

The Federal Bureau of Prisons is examining a new technology for its security details, a millimeter wave scanner, designed to screen visitors, internees and...

Hovermast is a new means for providing stabilized real-time aerial surveillance, to forces maneuvering along the battlefield. It is currently being tested and assessed...

Can you stop someone from planting a powerful charge at a crowded baseball stadium? Yes, but how? Application is more complex organization-wise, and sometimes...

Big disasters almost always result in big power failures. Not only do they take down home appliances, they also wreak havoc with key infrastructure...

Current Centers of Disease Control estimates suggest that more than 1.4 million people could be infected with Ebola by January 2015. To limit Ebola’s...

Following the 9/11 terrorist attacks, first responders and emergency teams soon found out that they were ill-equipped to coordinate with one another. That realization...

Gun silencers could become more widespread in Florida under new legislation to allow the devices on hunters' weapons on public land. Experts say that...

New York City Police stepped up surveillance of Wall Street, Times Square, subways and rail stations before the start of the Jewish New Year as terrorists...

With the primary focus on air strikes and the potential for ground troops to fight Syria-based ISIS, the Obama administration more quietly is tapping...

Homeland Security officials are planning to create a military-like chain of command to police the Southwest U.S. border, in what could be the department's...

Jewish institutions, which have faced attacks in recent years by lone wolves - extremists who draw their inspiration from the like-minded but act on...

How do you train a dog to detect a threat and issue an alert? Dogs are known for their highly keen sense of smell. While...

The new IWI 40 mm Grenade Launcher is compatible with all types of assault rifles. Made of lightweight materials, the system is easy to assemble...

It is hardly a secret that when some people visit their family members or friends in prison, they have been to known to smuggle...

A new technology installed at the Baltimore City Detention Center (BCDC) will crack down on contraband cell phone use at the facility. Calls are...