Maritime Security

Maritime Security

THE United States Government, through its Embassy in Lagos, has cautioned the Federal Government to improve on its ports security system within 90 days or...

The Russian Navy plans to deploy its single aircraft carrier in support of its newly formed Mediterranean task force, Commander Admiral Viktor Chirkov said, a declaration...

Elbit Systems Ltd. has teamed with Windward . To offer integrated maritime solutions for the Indian authorities. The joint solution combines Windward’s innovative satellite-based...

The Obama administration has floated the idea of putting the CIA’s controversial targeted killing operations under the control of the uniformed armed services. But...

Israel Shipyards is expanding the SAAR class of missile boats, extending the range from missile boats into ‘Mini Corvette’ class vessels. The new class...

Fighting modern warfare doesn’t mean you face the most sophisticated weapons or strongest enemies. In fact, combat in asymmetric warfare means facing an illusive...

As domestic economies change into a global market, dependent on the ocean for energy, food and transportation, the open seas becoming contested areas, and...

Italy in many ways has taken the place of Israel in the Turkish defense market. Alenia Aermacchi has signed an agreement with the SSM, the...

 Advanced systems for defending large sea areas and prevention of infiltration of unauthorized aircraft and vessels will be displayed this month by IAI in...

The change is faster than anticipated. It is now a must for most Israel defense companies and that trend will be with us in...

The US must increase its intelligence- gathering capacity in Africa 15-fold in the short term to counter the threat posed by regional Islamic extremist...

  Israel inaugurated its fifth nuclear-capable Dolphin-class submarine April 29 in Kiel, Germany, home of the shipbuilding division of Thyssen-Krupp Marine Systems (TKMS). The new submarine...

The Israeli stabilized weapon station increases the capabilities  of naval ships to operate in "saturated " environments. This is very important in missions like protecting...

  Spotlite-N is an advanced electro-optic systems for weapon fire sources Detection Location Classification & Tracking applications. The system incorporates state of the art fully...

One of the threats to the gas pumping rigs off the Israeli shore is from unmanned air systems armed with explosives. The US Navy is...

The  real thing has begun a few days ago when the natural gas started to flow from the sea rig off the Israeli shore...

Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) has unveiled its advanced Multiple-Intelligence (Multi-INT) concepts for Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) maritime domain surveillance. The comprehensive and unique solution...

By YoelGuzansky NSS – Military and Strategic Affairs Program The option of operating in the naval theater allows improved deterrence and attack capability vis-à-vis Iran and...

Israeli experts say that there are many "factors" pointing to common interests and operational modes between terrorists and pirates in that region . The U.S. and...

In recent years, Somali pirates began operating further than the shores of Somalia. Most of the action has been moved to the East Indian...

The actions of today’s modern version of pirates have increased the global demand for defensive systems Made in Israel. A system manufactured by Elbit...

Deep sea mining is becoming more popular , increasing the demand for protecting the exploration and then the mining itself. Israeli companies may offer...