The Israeli Navy of the future

Advanced submarines, missile boats capable of attacking aircraft, radars capable of tracing underwater strikes. These are some of the features of the Israeli Navy...

The IDF’s future weapons systems

What does the IDF's technological future have in store? The ground forces future arms systems and munitions, including the Armored Corps and Artillery Corps,...

iHLS TV Weekly Video Report – February 17th 2015

Register to iHLS Israel Homeland Security In this weekly Video report (February 17th 2015): Cyber attacks on drones The Iranian nuclear crisis and the U.S. administration A new...

The new US Missile Segment Enhancement interceptor

For the sake of efficiency and to meet the evolving threat, modernization of Patriot (Phased Array TRacking to Intercept Of Target) systems, is a...

iHLS TV Special Video Edition: The Barak-8 Missile

Register to iHLS Israel Homeland Security In this Special iHLS TV Edition, we discuss the Barak-8 Air & Missile Defense System, which will be operational...

Israel’s Air and Missile Defense During the 2014 Gaza War

In the escalation that precipitated the 2014 Gaza War (Operation Protective Edge) and during the war, Israel was subjected to the fiercest and longest...

Washington limits Israeli defense exports

Another attempt will be made to allow the sale of the Israeli developed "David's Sling" rocket interceptor to Poland. Last year the U.S has...

Missile Defense: Too Much Demand and Not Enough Supply

In the framework of the anti-ISIS coalition, the US and its allies are deploying Patriot Air and Missile Defense units in the Middle East....

Iran transferred advanced weapon systems to the Hezbollah

A senior Iranian commander confirmed that his country transferred advanced weapon systems to the Hezbollah terror organization. Brigadier General Amir-Ali Hajizadeh, Commander of the Aerospace...

A new training facility for U.S anti missiles units

A training facility that houses a new high-tech missile defense system was recently unveiled on Fort Sill, Oklahoma. Soldiers just started training on it within...

China tests hypersonic strike vehicle – how will the US respond?

The US and China have been engaged in what some have dubbed a hypersonic arms race. This summer, the US tested its own hypersonic...

Pakistan’s new cruise missile

Pakistan tests another self-developed cruise missile. Reportedly, last Monday (local time), Pakistan conducted a successful flight test of the indigenously developed Air Launched Cruise Missile...

Fast Draw – Iran’s Bluff

Up until now, we knew it was all a bluff, a trick. Now, it has become official. The US backed down and is now...

Ahead of the curve

The Republic of South Korea recently released its 2015 Defense White paper assessing the current threat from North Korea. In its report, the South...

Russia is Developing a Hypersonic Missile

Russia will build its first hypersonic missile by 2020. This, according to local state media. “In my estimation, the first hypersonic products should appear …...

Upgraded Tomahawk cruise missiles will chase targets

The Tomahawk cruise missile system is about to be upgraded. More than 2,000 Tomahawk cruise missiles have been fired at live targets since 1991. This...

China’s 10 DF-31 Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles Alarm US

The United States is concerned as China's strategic missile force, or the Second Artillery Corps, has 10 DF-31 intercontinental ballistic missiles ready in service....

The U.S and Russia – getting ready for future combat?

According to recent reports, President Vladimir Putin is planning to deploy nuclear missiles and nuclear submarines.  There are also reports concerning Russia’s plans to...

China’s Hypersonic Missiles Not Invulnerable to Missile Defense

Responding to China’s recent hypersonic missile tests, MDAA (Missile Defense Advocacy Alliance) Chairman Riki Ellison stated that the Hypersonic Glide Vehicles (HGVs) could be...

China will operate its Own Global Navigation System by 2020

China's domestically developed global navigation satellite system Beidou will be fully operational by 2020, Xinhua news agency reported last week, citing the head of...

Iran continues to develop nuclear weapons as well as long range...

Part 1 focused on Iran's dual-use space program, which has a considerable military potential. Part 2 According to experts in Israel, Iran's missile industry has thus...

Iran continues to develop nuclear weapons as well as long range...

Part 1 US intelligence agencies, as well as other intelligence bodies worldwide, continue to assess that Iran is developing intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) capable of...


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Data Breaches Are Connected to Mass Layoffs, Research

A research team from Binghamton University and the State University of New York explains the connection between mass layoffs and data breaches, theorizing that...