New Project Calls for Developing Mobile Targeting

The ability to pinpoint and act against moving, dynamic targets is at the center of a new project conducted by the US Air Force...

Footage of Russia’s Autonomous Torpedo

Russian Ministry of Defense recently published a video of its new autonomous torpedo, the Poseidon strategic attack drone. Russia boasts that the high-speed...

New Portable Communication System for Soldiers

A new portable communication system allows soldiers on the ground to increase situational awareness. The system, worn by individual soldiers on the ground, ensures...

US Anti-Drone Marine Weapon System

U.S. Navy ships often face risks of attack when going through narrow passages such as the Suez Canal or the Hormuz strait. Protecting itself...

A Growing Paramilitary Group in Taiwan

A paramilitary organization is forming in Taiwan, in response to Chinese threats at invading the Island. Taiwan citizens fed up with the military’s lack...

Indian Army Invests in Robotics and AI

The Indian Army plans to invest in its warfare fleet by introducing integrated battle groups (IBGs), energy weapons, artificial intelligence, robotics and micro-satellite technologies...

New Manufacturer in Loitering Munition Field

Loitering munition is a weapon system category in which the munition loiters around the target area for some time, searches for targets, and attacks...

Russia is Trying to Penetrate Egyptian Weapons Market

Egypt is interested in the procurement of Buk-M3 Surface-to-Air Missiles (SAM) from Russia. The parties still need to agree on volumes, terms of performance and...

On the Brink of Nuclear Terror?

By Emily B. Landau, Shimon Stein* When Shultz, Perry, Kissinger, and Nunn published their op-eds on a world free of nuclear weapons in 2007 and 2008,...

Iran: The Growing Cyber Threat

There are some big names in the cyber-warfare world: the United States, obviously, as well as Israel, Russia, China, and a few others. In...

How Are Cyber Companies Really Doing In The Startup Nation?

Israel’s cyber sector is still dominated by startups, despite “growing at a breakneck pace,” according to the folks over at the Defensive Cyber Operations...

Will Israel sell arms to the Ukraine in the aftermath of...

Israel seems to be reassessing its position on the sale of locally made UASs to the Ukraine, this after the Kremlin announcement that it...

Russia will supply Iran “game changing” S-300 missiles

President Vladimir Putin lifted, on Monday, a ban on supplying Iran with sophisticated S-300 air defense missile systems. This in the aftermath of the...

iHLS TV Weekly Video Report – March 31st 2015

Register to iHLS Israel Homeland Security In this weekly Video report (March 31st 2015): Missile Defense: US Unveils Innovative AEGIS System ISIS Recruiting In New York The Threat:...

Israel, Hamas and Hezbollah on a Collision Course: Undesirable yet Inevitable

At the start of 2015, Israel’s two major fronts – home to the two hostile players with which Israel has had military encounters in...

A Bridge over the Mediterranean: The French-Egyptian Arms Deal

A recent arms deal between Egypt and France may indicate a change in the regional balance of power; Egypt's traditional reliance on U.S. arms...

Ukraine Crisis and the Implications for the Middle East

  The Minsk II Agreement: Implications of a (Shaky) Ceasefire The Minsk II Agreement, reached on February 12, 2015 between Ukraine and the separatist provinces in...

Israel against Hizbollah: Between Overt and Covert Warfare

The violent battle between Israel and Hizbollah in Lebanon and Syria, and perhaps even outside the Middle East, can be expected to continue and...

Confronting Spontaneous Terrorist Attacks

A prominent feature of many terrorist attacks in recent months by Islamic radicals is their independent, spontaneous, unplanned nature – sometimes called the work...

President Putin Visits Egypt

Russian President Putin (L) meeting with Egyptian President el-Sisi (R) in Cairo, February 9, 2015 On February 9-10, 2015, Russian President Vladimir Putin visited Egypt...

Much Ado at the Qusayr Site? A Syrian Nuclear Snapshot

On January 9, 2015, the German weekly Der Spiegel published an article alleging that Syria did not give up its nuclear weapons development ambitions...

The New Ideological Threat to the GCC: Implications for the Qatari-Saudi...

In his book Sectarian Politics in the Gulf, Frederic M. Wehrey argues that the Arab Gulf states are united by a shared threat perception...


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Data Breaches Are Connected to Mass Layoffs, Research

A research team from Binghamton University and the State University of New York explains the connection between mass layoffs and data breaches, theorizing that...