Israel-Azerbaijan: Despite the Constraints, a Special Relationship

A telegram from the US embassy in Azerbaijan that was published in Wikileaks claimed that the President of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev, compared Israel-Azerbaijan relations...

The Syrian Refugee Crisis: Regional and Human Security Implications

The Refugee Population: An Overview Defined as the “worst humanitarian disaster since the end of the cold war,” the Syrian civil war has to date...

The Challenges of Deterring Non-state Actors

Recent years have witnessed the accelerated weakening of state actors in the Middle East. In turn, regular state armies are less able to grapple...

Low Oil Prices – Strategic Significance

Global oil prices have fallen dramatically over the past six months, following an excess of supply over demand. The drop in prices is another...

Israel vs. the Palestinians in the ICC

On January 16, 2015, Fatou Bensouda, prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC), announced her decision to open a preliminary examination of the situation...

Deterrence against Non-State Actors: Thoughts following Operation Protective Edge

Recent years have witnessed the accelerated weakening of state actors in the Middle East. In turn, regular state armies are less able to grapple...

Developments in the Global Oil Market Strategic Significance

Since mid-2014, global oil prices have fallen dramatically. The price of an American WTI barrel of oil was $44 in late January 2015, compared...

Israel and Palestine’s status in the UN

The ICC’s Decision to Open a Preliminary Examination: Cause for Concern, not for Panic. On January 16, 2015, Fatou Bensouda, prosecutor of the International Criminal...

Islam and Terrorism: A Futile Debate

Like the leaders of other Western countries targeted by Islamist terrorists, French President François Hollande has insisted that the recent attacks in Paris are...

Yemen’s Domestic Challenges: Multidimensional Splits

One of the key elements threatening the success of the reforms and Yemen’s political stability is the struggle among the country’s elites, a struggle...

Tripoli: A Syrian Heart in a Lebanese Body

If we think of sensitive, complex cities in the modern Middle East that are highly volatile, reflect sectorial tensions, and are home to serious...

A Game of Thrones: Royal Succession in Saudi Arabia

The guidelines for Saudi Arabian royal succession were formulated on the basis of principles bequeathed by Ibn Saud and the monarchy’s unique needs, circumstances,...

Egypt’s War in the Sinai Peninsula: A Struggle that Goes beyond...

Egypt is in the midst of a war that can be categorized as a low-intensity conflict. This category represents a common pattern of military...

In the Aftermath of the Arab Spring: Yemen’s Search for Stability

The transition government and the international community’s efforts to preserve Yemen’s unity and strengthen the legitimacy of its institutions and sovereignty were, to a...

Yemen: A Mirror to the Future of the Arab Spring

Ethnic, political, and religious rifts make Yemen one of the most complex arenas in the Middle East, even more so following the eruption of...

Unmanned Military Systems: Formulating Policy

How should the State of Israel ready itself ahead of the advent of unmanned systems and the expanding uses and applications thereof? Though Israel constitutes...

And What If We Did Not Deter Hizbollah?

The consensus in Israel is that Hizbollah was deterred as a result of the Second Lebanon War, that because of the damage sustained by...

The Attack in the Golan Heights: Is an Israel-“Axis” Conflict Expected?

The attack in the Golan Heights near Quneitra on January 18, 2015, which killed Hizbollah operatives and Iranian Revolutionary Guards al-Quds Force commanders, was...

A Multidisciplinary Analysis of Cyber Information Sharing

The emergence of the cyber threat phenomenon is forcing organizations to change the way they think about security. One of these changes relates to...

Application of unmanned military systems – experts weigh in

The field of Unmanned Systems is rapidly developing, as part of other burgeoning sectors, such as artificial intelligence, robotics and cyber. In the course...

Saudi Arabia after Abdullah

The prolonged hospitalization of the current king of Saudi Arabia, 91-year-old Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz, “custodian” of oil and Islamic holy sites, has led...

The Terror Attacks in Paris: Tip of the Iceberg or a...

The shock that gripped France following the terrorist attacks in Paris in early January 2015 will probably wane as time passes. Similarly, the urgency...


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Data Breaches Are Connected to Mass Layoffs, Research

A research team from Binghamton University and the State University of New York explains the connection between mass layoffs and data breaches, theorizing that...