Watch: World’s First Brain Interface Controlled Drone Race

In a world-first, the University of Florida held a drone race like no other: The competitors all used brain-controlled interfaces (BCI) to manipulate their...

DARPA Seeking Technology To See Behind Obstructions

Ever seen Superman use his X-ray vision to see through walls and feel a little pang of envy? You’re not alone. The US Defence...

WATCH: DAVE2 – Nvidia’s Self-Driving Car

Network World brings us news of an electric car that teaches itself to see and steer. An engineering team at Nvidia - known primarily...

iHLS Defense and HLS Accelerator Still Receiving Applications

The program enables startups to reach a level of maturity for pilot and investment while exposing them to investors, partners, and potential clients around...

Watch: DARPA Is Changing the Tank As We Know It

We all know tanks, more or less. At least, we all know what they are for: Advancing headlong into the enemy’s territory and winning...

Meet MIT’s Mini Cheetah

MIT’s Super Mini Cheetah is small, cute, inexpensive, and somewhat comical with its stuffed animal head. It’s capable of walking, jumping, running, and turning,...

WATCH: Autonomous Trucks Drive Across Europe

A fleet of trucks drove across Europe at the beginning of April. This wouldn’t be frontpage news if it weren’t for the fact that...

There’s More Than GPS: A New Type Of Locationing

GPS is king, but it can still be unreliable. A busy street surrounded by skyscrapers won’t be getting great signal, nor will the inside...

DARPA’s Grand Challenge Hopes To Automate Software Patching

The US Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is trying to take cyber defence to the next level with the help of some friendly...

Aquila: Facebook’s Internet In The Sky

Facebook has a major ambition: connecting everyone on the planet. To achieve this goal, the company is working on new approaches to ground-based communications...

Chinese Self-Driving Car Triumph In 2000km Test

China’s self-driving car testing is kicking into high-gear. Two autonomous vehicles built by Changan Automobile have completed a 2000 km journey in six days...

MIT’s New Robot Can Walk Out Of 3D Printer

In a world-first, MIT has 3D printed robots: solids, liquids, hydraulics, and all. This impressive success could hasten the age of affordable robotics, as...

Who Is The CIA Investing In?

We’ve written recently about Skincential Sciences, a skincare manufacturer with a curious financial backer: the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). This is not the...

WATCH: Hitachi’s New Humanoid Robot That Speaks

Hitachi has introduced the third generation of its humanoid robot. Meet EMIEW3. The first EMIEW came into the world back in 2005, with its...

How Do Neural Networks See?

Vision and understanding images is no longer the purview of biological creatures only. In recent years, computers have become astonishingly good at understanding what...

DHS Struggling To Hire Cyber Staff

Cyber is the name of the game, and the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is sadly struggling to keep up with civilian competition....

Driverless Taxis Are Coming To Singapore

Singapore may be getting the world’s first driverless taxis quite soon, if all goes to plan. NuTonomy is an MIT-born startup that has its...

Israeli App Tiger Won Best New Product in the SIA’s 2016...

An achievement for Israeli technology: Tiger by Lynx TFG, which allows any mobile device to stream video in real-time to a personal control center,...

Stefanini Announces New Cooperation With Israel’s Rafael

Stefanini, one of the most important global providers of business solutions technology, plans to create a joint venture in Brazil with one of the...

iHLS Defense and HLS Accelerator Is Kicking Off

About a month ago we have decided to build the first-of-its-kind defense accelerator. Our motivation was to offer companies just starting out the tools,...

26 Year Old Hacker Is Bringing Self-Driving Cars To The Masses

You may not know who George Hotz (aka geohot) is, but many have enjoyed the fruits of his labours. In fact, he is something...

Researchers Create Nanobots That Can Fix Electronics

The next big thing in science may be very small indeed. A new study in the journal Nano Letters presents revolutionary tiny robots that...


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Data Breaches Are Connected to Mass Layoffs, Research

A research team from Binghamton University and the State University of New York explains the connection between mass layoffs and data breaches, theorizing that...