WATCH: This Tiny Robot Could Save Hostages

The Picobug, as its name implies, is small. It weighs just 30 grammes, but it can do a whole lot: fly, walk, and (very...

Watch: Startup Uses Drones To Deliver Medicine In Rwanda

A Silicon Valley startup is using drones to deliver medicine and blood to patients in Rwanda, and it plans to expand to other countries...

Call For Proposals For Startups In The Field of Defense and...

I-HLS is currently building a new and unique accelerator for Defense and Homeland Security. The accelerator is meant for technological projects after a feasibility...

Could DARPA Have Invented The Ultimate Cyber Security?

When the internet first started coming into being, security wasn’t really an issue, not even as an afterthought. This is was more than half...

3 Issues IoT Must Overcome

The Internet of Things (IoT) has already made tremendous inroads to ubiquity, and the trend is accelerating. There will be more than 50 billion...

This Is How Your Smart Home Might Look In 2030

How cool is it when you can turn on your coffee machine using a smartphone app when you’re still nodding off in bed? Or...

Researchers Create Insect-Computer Hybrid

Scientists from Singapore’s Nanyang Technological University have made a new robotic creation using what they describe as “nature’s ready-made robot platforms” - insects. They...

IR-eyed Drone For Search-and-Rescue

Getting lost while hiking can turn out bad, really bad. Search-and-rescue statistics show that you’re twice as likely to die if you get lost...

The Israeli App That Is About to Save Lives

About two years ago, in 2014, Amir Elichai was walking along the beach when he was mugged by a  group of people. Amir immediately...

Watch: Boeing’s Underwater Monster

The bottom of the ocean is a dark and menacing place. Anyone or anything venturing the depths has to contend with the immense pressure...

Boom – The Startup That Wants To Go Supersonic

Concorde is dead in the water, but the dream of supersonic passenger flight is most certainly not. Boom is relatively fresh startup that is...

Russia Looking To Buy Military Dolphins

A recent tender by Russia’s Ministry of Defence shows that the country is seeking to procure five dolphins, likely to relaunch a Soviet-era programme...

DARPA Wants Techies To Think Like Terrorists

The explosion of technology in recent decades brought about with it a wealth of possibilities. Unfortunately, some of these possibilities are a boon for...

The Robotic Olympics Are Coming To Dubai

Not content with snatching up the World Cup, Dubai has now unveiled plans to hold a different kind of competition: the World Future Sports...

First-Ever Startup Accelerator For Military, Defense, HLS

Even in the world of startups, filled with breathtaking innovations, it is possible to bring something new - soon the very first accelerator in...

WATCH: SCAMP, The Robot That Flies, Climbs Walls Like An Insect

Meet SCAMP, the Stanford Climbing and Aerial Maneuvering Platform, a robot that can fly, land on vertical walls, and then scamper up them. SCAMP...

Ford Working On Autonomous Driving In Snow Conditions

The recent collision between the Google Car and a Californian bus notwithstanding, autonomous vehicle generally manage to get around quite well. They “see” the...

Meet Toshiba’s Most Human-like Robot To Day

At a trade fair in Berlin, Toshiba showed off the most human-like version of its robot to date. Meet Chihira Kanae, who now knows...

WATCH: JetPackMan Flies Around Dublin

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it’s a man flying around Dublin with a jetpack. That’s the scene that unfolded in...

CBS Convention Roundup

The CBS Startups festival is all but wrapped up, and what an event it was. Over five thousand visitors came throughout the day to...

How to incorporate Big Data and data solutions in the security...

The amounts of data produced today at any given moment along with the ability the collect them, to process and analyze them into business...

These are the participants of the CBS panels and Pioneers competition

Tomorrow, Thursday, March 17th, CBS startup festival will host the very first startup competition Global Pioneers in Tel Aviv, Israel. Among participants in the panels...


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Improving Automatic Software Repair

FIXCHECK is a new approach to improve patch fix analysis that combines static analysis, randomized testing, and large language models, created by IMDEA Software...