Egozi: Explosive Drones are Small but Dangerous


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By Arie Egozi

During recent years, the drone threat has evolved at a record rate. Cheap, small drones which can be easily turned into lethal systems. Some of the solutions are still under development, but the threat has been growing from day-to-day.

On Saturday, 24/8, IDF Spokesperson reported that the Israeli Air Force had attacked targets in the vicinity of Damascus, thwarting in the field a terrorist attempt by the Iranian Quds force. According to the IDF,  the terrorist attack was supposed to be operated by attack drones, and was planned to be launched from Syria against Israeli targets. 

IDF Spokesperson, Brig. Gen. Ronen Manelis, said that combat aircraft had attacked several terrorist targets at the village of Akrabe, South of Damascus: “Recently, we have been tracking these operational preparations led by Qasem Suleimani, directed at the perpetration of this attack via the launch of several attack drones towards northern Israel. We attacked several targets in Akrabe, where Iranian and Shi’ite militia activists are operating, including the equipment that was supposed to be used in this terrorist attack.”

It was also reported that “the unit tried to perpetrate this attack already on Thursday, but we succeeded in thwarting it.”

Apparently, improved models have reached Syria, capable of operating a “swarm attack”.

The Iranians have also developed the capability of swarm drone attacks involving a large number of drones, a method that makes it difficult for detection systems to detect all drones within the timeframe that enables their interception. 

The danger has not gone away. According to all estimations, Iran will bring to the region more Iranian-made drones and UAVs. 

As said, Israel is equipped with detection and neutralization systems, but these do not solve the problem, and further development is required in response to this growing danger.

Arie Egozi

Arie Egozi, iHLS Chief-Editor