Unmanned Systems Expert? Don’t Miss AUS&R 2018

U.S. Army Spcs. Shaun Fennessy and Creighton Brahm start the engine on an RQ-7 Shadow unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) April 26, 2007, at Forward Operating Base Marez, Iraq. The Soldiers are members of the UAV Platoon, Alpha Company, Special Troops Battalion, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division. (U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Bradley J. Clark/Released)

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If you are part of the global and Israeli unmanned systems and robotics ecosystem, you cannot afford to miss the leading annual event in this field: AUS&R 2018 Conference and Exhibition.

Everybody will be there on October 15, 2018. The Conference is a unique opportunity for networking with representatives from government agencies, leading defense industries, military, security forces and law enforcement, investors, entrepreneurs, and researchers.

The remarkable event will be held at the Lago Conference Center, Rishon LeZion west.

Join us at the AUS&R 2018 Conference and Exhibition 

In the conference, organized by iHLS, leading experts will present all the aspects and innovative technologies in the field of unmanned systems – drones and UAVs, UGVs, USVs, etc., that have transformed from future forces equipment into currently deployed systems that achieve outstanding accomplishments in the service of first responders, law enforcement, and the military around the globe.

In this innovative field, where Israel plays a world-leading role, advanced systems replace human teams in operation, saving lives, as well as time and resources.

The spectacular exhibition that accompanying the conference will showcase outstanding technologies in the field of unmanned systems and robotics, as well as supplemental systems. Fascinating demonstrations will also be held.

To AUS&R 2018 conference website 

Among the themes that will be presented at the Conference and Exhibition:

  • Unmanned systems – ground, air and surface
  • Counter-measures against unmanned systems
  • Payloads, sensors
  • Human-machine teaming, manned-unmanned
  • Swarm operation
  • Counter incendiary kites measures
  • Navigation, guidance, remote control
  • Robotics for urban warfare
  • Driverless car
  • Cybersecurity
  • Connectivity 
  • Artificial intelligence applications
  • Propulsion and energy solutions
  • ISR and Situational awareness through unmanned systems
  • Logistics and supply solutions

And more..

Click here for all the details

Presentation / Booth / Sponsorship: Matan +972-54-8097456  [email protected]  [email protected]