Turning Point in Global Airborne ISR Market


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The increasing integration of Android and iOS-based devices is a major trend in the global airborne Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) market. The Android and iOS operating systems have become a crucial tool for increasing the situational awareness of the military troops, according to a new market research report by Technavio analysts.

The use of such hand-held devices, which support the newer generation operating system has been increasing among the military organizations. The surveying ISR aircraft attached to the sensors sense the data and send the command to the base in real-time. From the center, the data are analyzed and assessed based on the situation, and then commands are executed to the ground military troops. Such devices increase the situational awareness of the military bases and troops and are predominantly employed in military mobilization network integration evaluation (NIE) and the software engineering directorate (SED) mobile applications.

Another research report, by MarketResearchNest.com (Global Airborne ISR Market 2018-2022) forecasts the global airborne ISR market to grow at a CAGR of 4.67% during the period 2018-2022, according to businessservices24.com.

A senior analyst at Technavio evaluates that “the use of UAV in military applications is increasing in electronic attacks, communication transfer, suppression and destruction of enemy air defense, combat search and rescue, ISR operations.”

The report highlights the increased demand for UAVs in military applications as a key factor contributing to the growth of the global airborne ISR market: UAVs are still in a nascent stage for mass adoption in military applications, but the technological advancements in UAVs are making it more adaptive for military applications. The UAVs are small, cost-effective, and provide reliable solutions ideal for the military applications when compared with the manned ISR aircraft. They are also equipped with a broad range of onboard sensors such as SAR, Laser, IMU (Inertial Measuring Unit), and a GPS.