New Mapping Solution for Improved Security Surveillance


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A new geospatial mapping interface allows users to better comprehend physical location information. The use of static facility floor plans overlaid directly onto the powerful Google Maps interface, dramatically increases ease of use and accuracy. This geospatial awareness was leveraged to automatically associate the nearest cameras to an alarm, eliminating the need to preprogramme links between devices. The technology provides a single point of control for security response and coordination.

The ability to make these links on the fly delivers accurate and immediate situational awareness for remote operators allowing them to efficiently respond during potentially chaotic situations.

According to, the Immix Command Center (CC) physical security information management (PSIM) platform was launched by Sureview Systems, a global provider of command centre solutions.

When an operator accesses a site because an alarm was triggered, the Google Maps interface automatically zooms to the site location. This allows users to see exactly where the alarm was triggered and the nearby devices (i.e. cameras, lights, doors, etc.) that can be controlled directly from the map. Operators additionally have a full geospatial picture of the location, nearby roads, buildings, and so on and can access cameras and devices at nearby sites by simply zooming out on the map to provide more information and a wider field of view.

The new interface supports additional floor plans with multiple levels for viewable areas/regions of interest. Manual error input and time spent is reduced because the geolocation (latitude and longitude) of every new device is automatically captured and added to the map.

In addition, the technology provides automatic detection of the nearest cameras to an alarm, recording and presenting them to users without any prior programming associations. Non-fixed alarm sources, such as manually raised events and panic alarms from security officers can also be associated on the fly with the closest video feeds.

The open interface enables pulling information from other mapping platforms or asset registries and populating them on the Immix map or other business systems using the geolocation asset registry from Immix.

“Our new mapping solution has been designed to allow users to utilise all the familiar features and functions of Google (i.e. zoom, satellite or standard maps views, etc.) to interact with all the security devices across their sites, locations, or campuses,” said Simon Morgan, CTO, Sureview Systems. “With the geolocation of all devices we’ve been able to build in further intelligence to automatically associate devices, route traffic and monitor mobile assets and people. This powerful functionality has set new benchmarks and expectations for improved surveillance and response.”