Border security – much more than a fence and sensors

Border Control System BCR2000 Elbit Systems

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Border Control System BCR2000 Elbit Systems
Border Control System BCR2000 Elbit Systems

“Border security is much more than a fence and some sensors. Today this is one of the most sophisticated systems and we have designed it based on our vast knowledge “says Ami Braun VP of Elsec , the security systems subsidiary of Elbit systems.

In a special interview to I-HLS , he said that one good example is the new border fence along the border line with Egypt. “Along this fence we installed our very advanced observation systems but they are not stand alone units they are networked with the IDF’s digital army infrastructure” When something suspicious is detected all the relevant forces get the real time data.

Braun revealed that the Elisra subsidiary of Elbit Systems has developed some very advanced land radar systems that are being used along the Israeli borders.

Braun explained that the company’s highly sophisticated virtual border security system is a multi-layer border control and management system deploying special border surveillance posts. These autonomous posts include observation systems mounted on towers, placed in strategic locations along the border.  Each post is a self-sufficient unit, facilitating power, communication, and site security and processing. This configuration enables deployment by stages, each as an independent component.

The system is fully remote-controlled via a central control room. All data from the border surveillance posts is routed to the central control room via wireless, fiber-optic, or other communication infrastructures, where it is processed and displayed. The system can have numerous control rooms, deployed hierarchically, from regional to national levels.

Based on powerful surveillance and management software, the system enables the user to keep an eye on the “big picture” while conducting border control tasks with less manpower, at real time intervals.
