Virtual Training to Enhance Units Effectivity During Operations

virtual training

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The British Ministry of Defence (MoD) has contracted NSC, a software engineering company providing training and simulation products, to deliver unit-based virtual training (UBVT) capabilities to the country’s troops.

The contract follows the UK Ministry of Defence’s Joint Combat Operations Virtual Environment (Op JCOVE) program previously delivered by NSC, according to

With the UBVT training equipment, troops will be able to practise firing and manoeuvring, command and control operations, and tactical procedures in a realistic synthetic environment.

This virtual training system is equipped with Bohemia Interactive’s Virtual Battlespace 3, a game-based military simulation run on a network of laptop computers.

Soldiers can communicate via headsets and an emulation of the army’s Platform Battlefield Information Systems Application, which is part of the Bowman battlefield management system.

Complementing rather than replacing field exercises, UBVT will enable units to collectively practise and consequently get greater benefit from live training opportunities, according to the company’s website.

NSC’s new hi-tech system can be adapted to meet specific training objectives and immerses soldiers in high-fidelity terrains featuring authentic vehicles and weaponry and intelligent non-combatants and hostile forces.

The next-generation system is ideal for mission preparation and refining future concepts and emerging doctrine, but its versatility will also aid the Army in bridging gaps in its current core equipment programme, enabling training for platforms procured as urgent operational requirements.

Thanks to a teaming agreement between NSC and 4C Strategies, UBVT will benefit from Exonaut – a comprehensive training progression and exercise management tool already employed by the British Army.

“Innovative systems like UBVT will raise exercise start standards and enable more challenging training, ultimately enhancing a soldier’s effectiveness on the battlefield.”

British Army simulation, training and development major Simon Roberts said: “UBVT will deliver a training event to a unit that will focus and challenge all levels of personnel. Activity can be conducted or a mission rehearsed in any environment without constraints such as shortage of vehicles, training estate or ammunition.