The White House Requests $263 Million for Police Body Cameras

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The White House Requests $263 Million for Police Body Cameras

The U.S police forces want to have photographed evidence that will support their actions.

The White House has asked for $263 million in funding for police body cameras and training in the wake of the shooting death of unarmed 18-year-old Michael Brown.

According to Security website, the program, which would need congressional approval, would offer a total of $75 million over three years to match state funding for the cameras by 50 percent, helping to pay for more than 50,000 of the devices.

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The Obama administration also said that it will not make major changes to a program that transfers military equipment to state and local law enforcement agencies, but will instead focus on better oversight, transparency and training to ensure that the equipment is used properly, said ABC News. Barack Obama did say he would work to ensure the United States is not building a “militarized culture” in its police forces.

Cop Cameras

Obama will also announce the creation of a new task force – led by Philadelphia Police Commissioner Charles H. Ramsey and former Office of Justice Programs AG Laurie Robinson – to prepare recommendations for “21st century policing.”