Homeland Security issues warning to U.S. troops at home and abroad

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Image: Protesters destroy an American flag pulled down from the U.S. embassy in Cairo

The United States Department of Homeland Security has issued a new bulletin warning that ISIS may be targeting military troops in the U.S. and abroad. The warning is based on new intelligence indicating that ISIS terrorists are trying to recruit or inspire sympathizers inside America to hurt military members where they live.

According to Examiner.com, the United States Department of Homeland Security and FBI joint intelligence bulletin issued on Monday morning contains more than a dozen recommendations to military personnel to protect their homes and their online profiles. U.S. military members are instructed to delete information on their social media accounts that might bring unwanted attention from “violent extremists” or any personal information that could expose their identities.

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“The FBI and DHS recommend that current and former members of the military review their online social media accounts for any information that might serve to attract the attention of ISIL [ISIS] and its supporters,” the federal bulletin sent to law enforcement agencies said, advising that troops “routinely exercise operational security in their interactions online.”

The warning is based on new intelligence indicating attacks by ISIS or inspired by ISIS similar to a shooting on October 22, in Ottawa, Canada may be imminent. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) ordered increased security at field offices and federal buildings across the nation following an attack on the National War Memorial near Parliament Hill. A Canadian soldier was killed in a shooting attack on the National War Memorial.