New Electromagnetic Spectrum Capability Will Enhance Modern Warfighting

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The electromagnetic spectrum, or EMS, is considered a modern-day battle space that spans the air, land, sea, space, and cyberspace domains.
The DISA (Defense Information Systems Agency) recently announced the initial features of “Electromagnetic Battle Management – Joint”, or EMBM-J, which is meant to improve the U.S. military’s situational awareness of the electromagnetic spectrum.
EMBM-J Situational Awareness is a cloud-based platform that integrates a range of electromagnetic spectrum capabilities and functions into one system that seamlessly gathers and arranges data into a single visual display.
Christopher Argo, DISA’s Spectrum Program Executive Office director, explained: “EMBM-J provides critical and accurate electromagnetic spectrum spontaneous data to combatant commands and Joint Task Force Headquarters Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations Cells.”
“This tool ensures a commander’s ability to rapidly act by visualizing the EMS common operating picture and the first step toward achieving EMS superiority.”
According to HS Today, EMS has become a highly contested and constrained battle space in which the US and its allies are vying for dominance over energy waves produced from things like radios, cell phones, radars, and microwaves. Maintaining situational awareness of the EMS is necessary for military commanders to manage its use, as it has become congested by increased use by adversaries.
EMBM-J works by implementing a common data layer, allowing it to be interoperable with service-specific EMS systems like those used by the Army, the Marines, and the Navy. US Air Force Brig. Gen. Ann-Marie Anthony said “Effective use of the electromagnetic spectrum is essential for successful military operations… This system is crucial for the full integration and visualization of spectrum operations.”
DISA partnered closely with US Strategic Command to develop EMBM-J, and the two are expected to continue developing the capability to enhance its analytical features and ability to identify and address any EMS issues that could affect a commander’s decision-making.