New Modular Portable Counter IED and Drone

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Drones used to be high-end expensive tools used very sparingly, but recent years saw the technology becoming simpler and more available, and the lowered costs of drone production meant they could be used in large numbers.

Another advanced technology is air defense systems, which have also seen major advancements to counter the rising drone threats. The issue is that they can’t be deployed on all fronts. Turning these systems portable would revolutionize the industry of defense from drones and IEDs.

The C-Guard Modular ManPack is an advanced system designed to counter drones and improvised explosive devices (IEDs), a multi-purpose solution with multi-profile capabilities. It was developed by Netline Communications Technologies- an Israeli-based manufacturer of high-end electronic warfare systems.

According to Interesting Engineering, this new technology is modular (so users can pick the features they require) and can counter drone threats. The modular ManPack contains multiple modules, each offering different jamming profiles- the user can switch between different modules with a simple switch. Since each module is a jammer in itself, the modular pack provides high flexibility without any downtime during operations.

Each of the systems is built to operate in rough environmental conditions without needing periodic maintenance. Furthermore, multiple units operating in the area can work together using GPS time synchronization and use electromagnetic and radio interference capabilities to ensure communication between them.

The core of the C-Guard system is a Software Defined Radio (SDR), a real-time processing engine that can counter frequencies in the range of 20-6000MHz and scan transmissions to determine which of them pose a threat to the forces under protection.

Another huge advantage is that modules can be replaced in the field with almost no system downtime at all, while the entire system can be upgraded to support emerging threats and new frequencies that might be used.