Next Internet Revolution Already Applied in Military Training

Fort Bragg, North Carolina - Spc. Jared Kenigge, an Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) operator with Detachment 1, D Co., 236 Brigade Engineer Battalion controls the payload, in this case a video camera, of a RQ-7BV2 Shadow during its flight near Fort Bragg, Aug. 18, 2017. The flight was part of a six-week long New Equipment Training conducted by Det. 1 after receiving the newest version of the Shadow UAS. (Photo by Staff Sgt. Mary Junell)

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Metaverse, the next internet revolution, represents a shift in how we interact with technology. The technologies that make up the metaverse can include virtual reality as well as augmented reality, that combines aspects of the digital and physical worlds. However, it doesn’t require that those spaces be exclusively accessed via VR or AR. Metaverse is part of Facebook’s vision of the future, for example, as a virtual world where people can socialize, work, and play.

This vritual environment encompasse several common 3-dimensional spaces that form a total virtual universe.

But it also entails military applications. Metaverse-based military training systems help to create various environments for professional military training. The Korean defense solution Deimos, developed by Optimus System, is based on the company’s Metaverse technology. The systems help to create various environments for professional military training, including precision shooting training, tactical behavior training, and more.

This new concept of shooting drill environment is based on a spatial synchronization technology, which precisely corrects and matches the physical location and direction of users and objects to a world of virtual reality from the trainee’s point of view. 

This sets up a Metaverse military drill environment where trainees can react to each other as in real war conditions, enabling interactive combat, precision shooting without distorted target lines, and precision hit recognition hard to achieve in existing video shooting training equipment.

The technology was developed through joint research and development with the R & DB Foundation of the Korea Military Academy in order to localize the military drill simulator and build scientific training systems more effective and optimized for real war conditions.

The system has been supplied to the Korean Armed Forces and applied to their training since its completion of development in 2019, and has started to be supplied overseas from 2021, according to