The U.S. Finally Realized: The Syrian Chemical Weapons Fraud

The U.S. Finally Realized: The Syrian Chemical Weapons Fraud

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The U.S. confirmed today what Israeli sources have already reported: Syria is hiding parts of its chemical weapon caches.

22402250_s featureIHLS has published an article a few days ago under the headline “The Biggest Hoax – “Syria Clean of Chemical Weapons”. In Israel they realized early that the Syrians were lying, while in the U.S. it took a while.

A top American official clarified that at this stage the diplomatic process will go on. Meanwhile, the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons reported that it doesn’t have enough funds to continue operations in Syria after November. Currnently they are looking for countries that will agree to keep the chemical weapons in custody until their destruction at a later date.

An official American source said that according to intelligence reports, evidence points to a Syrian intent to keep some of their chemical weapons. The source was quoted by CNN, and according to him “there’s information that could undermine our security. The Syrians have taken steps that point to their unwillingness to get rid of all their chemical weapons.”

iHLS – Israel Homeland Security

Reuters reported that the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons has funds that will last only until the end of November, and will need additional funds to destroy Syria’s caches of poison gas. The organization, winner of the Nobel Prize last month, is in charge of destroying the chemical weapons in accordance with a U.S.-Russian Agreement signed in September. In order to complete its tasks the organization has received a total of 10 million euros.

According to Reuters, an OPCW document mentions that only 4 million euros remained, enough for operations until the end of the month. Syrian President Bashar Assad estimated that a billion dollars will be needed, although the estimates by experts were lower.

The Israeli source said this morning that “only a completely gullible person could have believe that Syria will give up on all of its chemical weapons so easily. The U.S. now realized what we understood to begin with.”