Unmanned Systems

Unmanned ground, aerial and naval systems provide a remotely-operated and autonomous safe option for surveillance, data gathering, inspection, resupply, etc. for defense, security and dual-use missions.

UAVs to fly for months using miniature nuclear reactors

By Ami Dor on UAVs will soon be able to remain in flight for months, instead of days, using miniature nuclear reactors; this according to advanced...

Japan to buy Israeli made unmanned air systems?

A few days ago, Japanese newspapers revealed that the government should acquire amphibious units like the ones used by the US Marines, as well...

Arab media- Israeli UAS killed terrorists in Egypt

An Israeli Air Force armed unmanned air system (UAS) reportedly struck an Islamic Jihad rocket launching squad in the Sinai Peninsula near the Israeli-Egyptian...

Israeli companies offer solutions for protecting natural resources at sea

The protection of natural resources is a global need, yet the world market for it is growing slowly because of dwindling budgets and disagreements...

Raytheon UK launches laser-based IED detection system

Raytheon UK's "Soteria" can confirm and diagnose threats from a safe distance to maximize protection of troops and vehicles. Raytheon UK has launched a laser-based stand-off...

China Targets American and Israeli UAVs 

Despite all the publicity that American UAVs receive, the major exporter of UAVs has been Israel. Between 2002 and 2012, Israel exported $4.7 billion...

12 Systems to Showcase Advanced Robotic Technologies at AUS&R 2013 Live...

AUS&R 2013 sets the stage for the leading International Event of Unmanned Systems Technology originating in Israel. The highlight of AUS&R will be the largest...

Helping The U.S. Navy Launch a New Era In Unmanned Aviation

On July 10th, as part of its Unmanned Combat Air System Demonstration (UCAS-D) program, the U.S. Navy completed the first landing of an unmanned...

“Suicide” drones for the US Army

Are tube-fired “suicide” drones the new pocket artillery that will give dismounted troops a smaller footprint and a longer reach? Developers of lethal miniature...

Improving the Army’s Gray Eagle (MQ-1C)

An enhanced version of the MQ-1C version of General Atomics' Predator Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA) took to the air July 26, 2013 at the company’s...

Solar powered UAS

During a keynote at the small unmanned systems business expo in San Francisco, CA., Alta Devices’ CEO, Christopher Norris, explained that small unmanned air systems...

UAS AeroVironment’s Puma AE Certified for Commercial Operations in the Arctic

This 'Restricted category' certification marks the first time the FAA has approved a hand-launched unmanned aircraft system for commercial missions. The U.S. federal Aviation Authority...

Commercial unmanned air system (UAS) to be operational soon

Insitu is planning to launch the first U.S. commercial unmanned aircraft system operation following receipt of FAA type certification for its ScanEagle UAS on...

A European Spy Network

The European Union is pondering an EU Commission proposal to acquire a fleet of surveillance drones, satellites, and planes as part of an “ambitious...

A New Land Systems Division at Rafael – adapting systems for...

Giora Katz, head of the new Rafael Land Division, said: “We will use Rafael's many capabilities to meet the demands of modern warfare, including...

The Heron-1, flying in Afghanistan non stop

At the beginning of July, Israeli Aerospace Industries (IAI) Heron 1 unmanned air systems (UAS) logged its 15,000th operational flight hour in Afghanistan. The three...

Can You Trust A Robot?

When they come — and they are coming — will the robots we deploy into human culture be capable of evil? Well, perhaps "evil"...

The Hydro Camel Unmanned Submarine

Today, there are many remotely operated submarines that handle important tasks, such as checking underwater pipelines, mapping underwater minefields, searching for locations to place...

New Home for Indian Navy Searchers

India’s Behala Airport will become an operating base for Indian Navy Heron and Searcher MK II unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). According to officials, discussions...

EU to reshape it’s defense industry

 A reshaping plan of the EU defense industries may create additional problems for the Israeli defense industries, according to the Israeli Defense Ministry officials. AFP...

ATLAS the humanoid robot is looking for a brain

Like the Scarecrow from “The Wizard of Oz” in search of a brain, Boston Dynamics Atlas robot created for the DARPA challenge, is also...

Britain is stepping up the Taranis UCAV development

The concept demonstrator of the British unmanned air combat vehicle (UCAV)  has been delivered to a flight test site in Australia and is scheduled...


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Enhancing Thermal Imaging for Military and Medical Use

University of Houston professor of electrical and computer engineering Jiming Bao developed a new method to measure the continuous spectrum of light that is...