Arab media- Israeli UAS killed terrorists in Egypt

כטב"ם MQ9

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An Israeli Air Force armed unmanned air system (UAS) reportedly struck an Islamic Jihad rocket launching squad in the Sinai Peninsula near the Israeli-Egyptian border, killing at least five suspected jihadists.

This according to Egyptian military sources that have been quoted by Palestinian news agency Ma’an on Friday.

The attack was reportedly in cooperation with the Egyptian authorities. Israel and Egypt have not reacted to these claims that came from Palestinian sources.

According to Ma’an, the Islamic Jihad terrorists were preparing to launch rockets into Israel.

Ma’an reported that a large explosion was heard on Friday afternoon in Rafah, near the Kerem Shalom border crossing.

An IDF spokesman said the army does not comment on reports in foreign media.

For years the Palestinians in Gaza have claimed that Israel is using armed UAS to kill terrorists. Israel has never commented on this issue.

The use of armed UAS has come to a peak recently when the u.s has performed some very deadly attacks on Al Qaida members mainly in Yemen. This operational mode has become a daily matter especially in Afghanistan.

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