GPS jamming

New Solution Against GPS Jamming

Unintended or intentional GPS/GNSS signal jamming or spoofing can disrupt defense and commercial operations. Moreover, it can be virtually impossible to know if a...

The Ministry of Defense is Calling for New Technologies

iHLS INNOFENSE - Innovation program for technological startups in the civilian and security sector, which will be operated by iHLS in collaboration with the...
Photo illustration US Navy Flickr

US Army Looking for New Precision Munition System

The US Army is looking for a long-range precision munition (LRPM) system for rotary and unmanned aircraft systems capable of engaging targets in adverse...
Photo illust US Navy

Military Maritime Innovations Successfully Tested

Reliable communication over the open sea is a great technological challenge. It is impossible to have a stationary infrastructure at sea. Nevertheless, increasing resolutions...
photo illust.

Smart Artillery Shell Being Developed

The United States Army is currently working to develop an autonomous artillery shell  capable of targeting enemy forces, including moving vehicles. The Cannon Delivered Area...
Photo illust atomic clock by NIST

Atomic Clocks as Solution for GPS-Denied Navigation

Developing alternative positioning, navigation, timing (PNT) systems for when GPS is denied has long been a priority for military forces worldwide. A new solution...
Photo illus US Air Force

Counter GPS Spoofing Measures

Because of the widespread use of GPS-style technologies – in navigation, mobile phone networks etc. – false signals have the potential to cause widespread...

Geofencing for Information Security 

Safeguarding IT requires a multi-layered approach that incorporates security technologies and user training. Geofencing creates a virtual fence on a user's network access. This limits...
Photo illustration Echole Polytechnic Flickr

iHLS INNOFENESE Innovation Center – Call for Startups for Ministry of...

iHLS INNOFENSE - Innovation program for technological startups in the civilian and security sector, which will be operated by iHLS in collaboration with the...
Photo illust. US Air Force i

Meet this Dual-Use GPS Tracking Technology

GPS technology has been around for quite some time, ever since 1973 when the US Department of Defense (DoD) created a satellite system that...
manned unmanned aircraft

50 Year Old Cessna Achieves Unmanned Flight

The United States Air Force has recently succeeded in flying and landing a 1968 Cessna 206 without having anybody on board. The United States...
Photo illust. US Bureau of Land Management Flickr

Watch this VTOL Upgrade to Fixed-Wing Drone

VTOL drones (vertical take-off and landing) combine the best qualities of fixed-wing aircraft and quadcopters. A new technology supplies VTOL upgrade module for fixed-wing...
unmanned systems

Register! AUS&R 2019 Unmanned Systems and Robotics Conference

Attend the seventh Conference and Exhibition on Unmanned Systems and Robotics - AUS&R 2019. Register! Representatives from government, leading defense industries, military, security forces and law...
Photo illust. Wikimedia

Defense Giant will Supply Secure GPS

The Global Positioning System (GPS) and global navigation satellite system (GNSS) are essential to military navigation. GPS receivers are vulnerable to jamming even if...
Photo illust US Army

Solutions Sought for Warfare in Contested Environments 

One of the problems characterizing the current battlefield is that in a contested environment with degraded or no GPS signal, the combatants cannot shoot,...


image provided by pixabay

Improving Automatic Software Repair

FIXCHECK is a new approach to improve patch fix analysis that combines static analysis, randomized testing, and large language models, created by IMDEA Software...