Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence

Deep Learning and Predictive Analytics are among the key technologies that will continue to benefit video surveillance solutions development and adoption in 2021. These technologies...
Photo illust. AI by Pixabay

Artificial intelligence ‘at-the-edge’ can be used to dramatically shorten the OODA (Observe, Orient, Decide, Act) loop and provide military forces with a distinct advantage...
iot for seucriyt

The global technology exhibition CES 2021, this year in a virtual version, has highlighted several trends in the smart city, public safety, and autonomy...
AI, photo illus. by Pixabay

The technology trends expected to affect the security sector in 2021 are shaped by how and why technologies are used, rather than heralding the...
photo illus. face recognition by Pixabay

US law enforcement agencies spearheaded by the FBI have been hunting for anyone involved in the riots on Capitol Hill, some using advanced digital...
US Army Swarm Illustration by US Army

Spain has been enhancing its unmanned aircraft vehicle swarming capabilities. The Spanish Ministry of Defense has awarded a contract to the local company Escribano...

US Army is upgrading its computing capabilities. Two new supercomputers have been acquired in order to support significant modernization challenges to include digital engineering...
Silverfort, photo illus. network cyber by Pixabay

Accelerated technological changes have created a complex challenge to enterprise cybersecurity. Until not long ago, enterprise networks had a clear and protected perimeter with...

The events of 2020 have certainly demonstrated the risks of trying to accurately predict upcoming events. However, it can still be insightful to try...

A simulated robot managed to carry on with a broken leg, proving that a continuous learning capability can help robots adapt to new circumstances.  Most...
Photo illust. AI by Pixabay

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming the nature of warfare, and world military forces have been working toward adopting this critical new technology. AI...

A technological breakthrough will improve the Israeli ground forces’ ability to engage enemy targets through artificial intelligence and Automatic Target Recognition (ATR). Unveiled by Rafael...
pilot training

The US Department of Defense is collaborating with Google in the advancement of an artificial intelligence-driven virtual training system for remote pilot exercises.   The Defense...

The US Air Force deployed an AI algorithm on a U-2 test flight to essentially serve as a radar operator on the aircraft. During...

Autonomous robotic vehicles offer countless advantages, including in a reconnaissance context. A new model joining the Rheinmetall's Mission Master Autonomous - Unmanned Ground Vehicle...
ai cyber security

The ability to monitor the electromagnetic spectrum enables real-time detection of wireless devices so that protective operations and law enforcement can detect uninvited wireless...

Record attendance from more than 100 states is already evident at the INNOTECH 2020 international conference broadcast for cyber, HLS, and innovation, organized by...
Photo illust. US Navy

The Pentagon is eager to begin incorporating autonomous systems into exercises and operations. Military leaders have been pushing new concepts of operation based around...

Have a taste of INNOTECH international conference broadcast on innovation, cyber, and HLS - December 8-9, 2020 Register now

“COVID-19 has created an accelerated digital transformation” - this was one of the insights from the panel discussions. The filming of the special international broadcast...

Artificial intelligence (AI) dramatically enhances the capabilities of autonomous systems. The US Joint Artificial Intelligence Center (JAIC) has recently signed a smart sensor contract...
counter drone

Many countries have yet to try drone swarm technology in a simulated, controlled environment. Turkey is among those that have the technology and the...