Managers Can’t Ignore Information Security Any Longer

If you are a manager of a company, you should know that it is already under attack. Though not your fault, this is certainly...

U.S. Military Cooperates With Start-Up Companies

It seems as though the U.S. Department of Defense feels that brains employed in the army, Pentagon and research institutes are unable to keep...

iHLS TV Future Forces For HLS

Future Forces For HLS Future Forces 4 HLS   The upcoming conference for the HLS Future Forces is to be held on July 21st, bringing with...

iHLS TV Interview – divers communication system

Interview with Arie Kalo ,Director UTC - divers communication system Under water communication problems UCT's new system overcomes under water communication problems The reasons for the importance of...

Smart technology is just the beginning

A bright technology is in many cases just the foundation. In most cases you need leverage to make money based on this achievement. The bright...


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Improving Automatic Software Repair

FIXCHECK is a new approach to improve patch fix analysis that combines static analysis, randomized testing, and large language models, created by IMDEA Software...