
AI-Human Hybrid Soldiers in Rapid Development

U.S. defense intelligence is becoming increasingly concerned by a new technology rapidly emerging in the Chinese military - AI-human hybrid soldiers. Earlier this month, Intelligence...

Nano-UAV New Version Supplies Combatants with New Capabilities

A new version of the Black Hornet nano-UAV enables the warfighter to maintain situational awareness, threat detection, and surveillance for battle damage assessment, pre-deployment...
rocket propulsion

Next Big Thing in Rocket Propulsion

This is the next big thing in rocket propulsion. An Israeli company is developing a gel-based propellant that will change the way rockets and...

Alloy Revelations to Aid Soldiers on Battlefield

Army researchers are now using metallic alloys in order to develop new materials with a broad range of capabilities for soldiers. With this technology,...
soft robot

Magnetic Soft Robots Could Perform Military Tasks

Soft robotic capabilities and manufacturing at the point of need are among the US Army's top research priorities. Newly-developed 3-D printed robotic structures can...

Insect-Size Microrobotics for Life-Saving Operations

Microrobots have been studied by the U.S. military for years, but they tend to be simple machines with limited intelligence. Recently, however, the Defense...

Cell-Phone Tech will Detect Zika Virus

Researchers are trying to transform a smartphone into a Zika detecting device. A new research details efforts to rapidly and accurately diagnose Zika using...

Cost-Effective Solution for Microsatellite Launch Under Development

When launched from the ground, rockets require lots of fuel to push through the dense air of those first miles. If another vehicle floats...
insect-sized flying robot

First Untethered Insect-Sized Flying Robot Developed

An insect-sized flying robot could help with time-consuming tasks like surveying crop growth on large farms or sniffing out gas leaks. These robots soar...
startup competition

Your Next Opportunity! Apply to Security and HLS Startup Competiton

iHLS is delighted to host for the first time the prestigious Startup Competition for innovative technologies in the security, defense and homeland security fields,...
new discovery

New Discovery to Revolutionize Electronics World

Researchers have discovered a new two-dimensional material, derived from the rare element tellurium, to make transistors that carry a current better throughout a computer...
stealth aircraft

New Radar to Be Able to Expose Stealth Aircraft

Stealth aircraft rely on special paint and body design to absorb and deflect radio waves—making them invisible to traditional radar. They also use electronic...
future forces

Register Now to Future Forces Conference and Exhibition

Interested in innovation in the defense and security field? Join us and learn from the leading defense industries and the best experts about the...

Want to Accelerate Your Startup? Apply to iHLS Security Accelerator

Apply Now! Are you a disruptive startup in the security field?  We at the iHLS Security Accelerator are looking for innovative ground-breaking technologies offering solutions for...
security accelerator

iHLS Security Accelerator is Looking for Next Generation Startups!

Are you a disruptive startup in the security field? We at the iHLS Security Accelerator are looking for innovative ground-breaking technologies offering solutions for civilian...

Non-Lethal Laser Technologies to Be Used in Riots

The US Pentagon has been developing innovative non-lethal technologies. Its Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate (JNLWD) is on the brink of developing a laser system...

Nanotechnology to Produce Better Protective Armor

In materials science, enhancing one characteristic of a material will see a decline in a different characteristic. Strength and toughness are a pair like...
illustration photo:

Israel to Launch First Ever Autonomous Nanosatellites on Formation Flying

A group of three nanosatellites that will fly on a controlled formation flying for the first time will be launched at the end of...

Revolutionary Sensor “Skin” Developed for Robots

If a robot is sent to disable a roadside bomb—or delicately handle an egg while cooking you an omelet—it needs to be able to...
groundbreaking technologies

We Are Looking for Groundbreaking Technologies

We at the iHLS Security Accelerator are looking for innovative ground-breaking technologies offering solutions for civilian defense, securing government institutions vital infrastructure and borders,...

Impressive Meeting Between iHLS Advisory Board and Accelerator 3rd Cycle Graduates

During a special meeting at its new offices in Kiryat Atidim, Tel Aviv on November 15th, iHLS presented to its Advisory Board its vision,...
security accelerator

Are You Developing Innovative Technology in One of The Following Fields?

Reminder: Applications can be submitted by November 25th, 2017. Are you developing an innovative technology in one of the following fields? Military technology, security, homeland security,...


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Data Breaches Are Connected to Mass Layoffs, Research

A research team from Binghamton University and the State University of New York explains the connection between mass layoffs and data breaches, theorizing that...