UAS with High Resolution Cameras to Iraq

Iraq is to acquire the ScanEagle unmanned aircraft system (UAS) under a USD8.3 million deal announced by the US Department of Defense (DoD). Insitu...

Anti-Drone Rifle Serves US Troops in Iraq

The advent and proliferation of small, cheap drones has had a lasting effect on the battlefields of the 21st century, where the devices have...

Major Findings From the US Annual Global Terrorism Update

The US National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START) has released an update to its Global Terrorism Database (GTD)....

Pentagon to Counter Growing Drone Threat Posed by ISIS

Some Israeli-developed systems like the Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) Drone Guard may solve some of the problems encountered by the U.S forces fighting ISIS....

Polish Air Force F-16 Jets Deploy to Kuwait to Fight ISIS

Polish Air Force F-16 fighters have departed Poland for the Middle East on Jul. 5. Operating from the territory of Kuwait, the Polish Vipers...

Iraqi Forces Use Consumer Drones Against ISIS

Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) bring many advantages to the battlefield. One of the main ones is the ability to safely surveil enemy positions. Military...

Revealed: Iran Testing Combat Drones In Syria

Newly revealed footage suggests that Iran is testing out its new combat drones in the war zone in Syria and Iraq. Despite decades of sanctions,...

WATCH: ISIS Attacks Gas Plant Perimeter

ISIS has attacked an Iraqi state-run gas plant in Baghdad’s northern outskirts, killing at least 11. The group attempted to breach the plant’s perimeter...

ISIS Turns to Fish Farms, Car Dealerships For Revenue

The U.S.-led coalition’s air strike have crippled the ISIS oil-smuggling-based economy, forcing the organization to rely on fish farming and car dealing as alternative...

Peshmerga Forces Down ISIS Drone

Kurdish Peshmerga forces shot down an ISIS surveillance drone last week near the Mosul frontline in northern Iraq, reports ARA News, a Kurdish news...

ISIS Terrorist Activity Mapped

Most of ISIS’ activity is centered on the expansion and maintenance of its territory in Iraq and Syria. But since the declaring its caliphate...

ISIS Chemical Attack Kills 3 Year Old, Wounds 600

According to Iraqi officials, ISIS launched two chemical attacks near Kirkuk in northern Iraq. A 3-year-old girl was killed, some 600 were wounded, and...

ISIS Acquired Substantial Armaments Through Looting

A new Amnesty International report details how inadequate regulation of the flow of armaments and poor handling of the situation on the ground during...

Number Of Foreign Fighters In Iraq And Syria Has Doubled

Over the last 18 months, the number of foreign fighters in Syria and in Iraq has doubled, according to a study by the Soufan...

Cold War Foes Sinking Deeper into Syrian Quagmire

Konstantin Bodragin‏ US Defence Secretary Ashton Carter has presented President Obama with a plan to put boots on the ground in Syria and Iraq. According...

USA Fears The Enemy Within

The House Homeland Security Committee has released its Terror Threat Snapshot for November, and it paints an increasingly alarming picture. The November snapshot focuses on homegrown...

Zephyr UAV To Spy On ISIS For 90 Days Straight

Airbus, creator of the Zephyr UAV, are aiming to upgrade the drone so that it will eventually stay airborne for 90 days. This upgrade...

Watch the joint U.S. Delta Force-Kurdish raid to rescue Islamic State...

A video first posted by Rudaw, a Kurdish news site, purportedly shows footage of the joint U.S.-Kurdish raid that freed about 70 hostages from...

ISIS Makes Use Of Chemical Weapons

The barbaric way of ISIS knows no boundaries. After they seem to have found every possible mortifying way to execute their prisoners, until it...

Not A Terror Group: The West Acknowledges Its Enemy

The Islamic State is no longer a terrorist group - so said the French Minister of Defense, Jean-Yves Le Drian, at the Pentagon on...

Al-Shabab considering shift to international agenda,

The Somalia-based terrorist group al-Shabab has largely lagged other such groups when targeting attacks abroad and recruiting foreign fighters, but new leadership could change...

Airstrikes Against ISIS  “A bad joke”

The air strikes against ISIS have been going on for the last nine months . The air war, which Secretary of State John Kerry  described...


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Improving Automatic Software Repair

FIXCHECK is a new approach to improve patch fix analysis that combines static analysis, randomized testing, and large language models, created by IMDEA Software...