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Innovative Multi-Target Electronic Warfare Weapon

Electronic warfare is said to be the next big frontier, and this new Chinese multi-target weapon design might be revolutionary. Researchers at the Southeast University...
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Hiding in Plain Sight – New Material Disguises Missiles as Passenger...

Chinese scientists developed a new device called the “Golden Veil” that deceives air defense systems by disguising cruise missiles as large aircraft (like jetliners),...

Breached? You Must Report Within 10 Minutes

China has issued a draft for a new Contingency plan for data security incidents, which involves very strict deadlines for large breaches. China recently proposed...
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Revolutionary Electromagnetic Rail Gun Could Change Naval Warfare

Chinese navy engineers claim to have developed an electromagnetic rail gun that can fire multiple projectiles at hypersonic speeds. This breakthrough starts a new era in...
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AUKUS to Collaborate on Submarine-Detecting AI against Chinese Submarines

AUKUS member countries (the United States, United Kingdom, and Australia) revealed they mean to use advanced AI to find and track Chinese submarines. Defense...
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GalaxySpace Reveals Satellite with Unfolding Solar Panels

After China’s GalaxySpace developed the country’s first low-Earth orbit constellation that challenged SpaceX's Starlink, the company recently developed a new type of plate-shaped satellite...
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Royal Australian Navy Divers Hit by Chinese Sonar

Australian naval divers from the frigate HMAS Toowoomba conducting minor repairs in international waters near Japan were exposed to active sonar pulses from Chinese...
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Russia Attacked by Allies- Most Cyberattacks on the Country Come from...

A recent report shows that diplomatic relations do not necessarily extend to cyberspace- most cyberattacks on Russia are apparently coming from its allies. Turns...
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China Launches New Extremely Cheap and Efficient Turbofan Engine

Chinese researchers have successfully developed a turbofan drone engine that is cheaper and more fuel-efficient, which could enable it to effectively get ahead of...
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US Prohibits Feds from Buying Chinese-Made Drones

US lawmakers are introducing two new measures to stop the US government from purchasing and operating drones made by China. The first bill is the...
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China Cracks Hypersonic Thermal Barrier

China's scientists have developed a new groundbreaking material that can resist temperatures up to 4,000 degrees Celsius without melting or losing shape. It was...
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China’s Advances in Stealth Submarines Poses Risk for US

China’s progress in building its latest Type 096 ballistic missile submarines is alarming the US and its allies. China's submarines are remarkably stealthy, and...
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US Space Force May Establish Joint Hotline with China

The US Space Force may set up a direct line of communications with China’s space agency in order to deal with potential interplanetary emergencies,...
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Base for Space Object Identification Built in China

China is setting up a new military base to enhance the People’s Liberation Army’s (PLA) “space situational awareness,” an initiative led by the PLA’s...
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Demanding the Vulnerabilities of Tech Companies? Worrying New Policy in China

China has for the past few years ordered any tech company within its borders to hand over any information about unpatched vulnerabilities, which researchers...
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China Joins Large Language Model Craze

China has already released over 70 artificial intelligence large language models (LLMs), with more applications being filed every day. Robin Li, CEO of Baidu said...
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Fake Signal App Planted on Google Play By China-Linked Hackers

A fake version Signal, a private messaging app, infiltrated Google Play and Samsung’s Galaxy Store and seems to be linked to a Chinese spy...
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China Replicates Iran’s ‘Shahed-136’ Kamikaze Drone

It appears that China has developed its own version of Iran's 'Shahed 136' drone, as reported by Defense Express. Called the "Sunflower 200," it...
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China Launches New ‘AI-brained’ Satellite

China's revolutionary AI-powered "WonderJourney" satellite foretells fully autonomous spacecraft. The satellite was launched in a Chinese commercially produced rocket among a package of satellites that...
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China Makes Huge Breakthrough in High-Energy Lasers

Chinese researchers have made a huge breakthrough in high-energy laser technology and developed an innovative cooling system that could make lasers operate for long...
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Chinese Researchers Manage to Track US Submarines

US submarines are known for their stealth but may soon lose this advantage. Researchers at the Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of...

Is India Becoming A ‘Drone Giant’?

In our current world crazed by the drone industry, everything always goes back to China, which dominates the global market. Now it seems the...


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Data Breaches Are Connected to Mass Layoffs, Research

A research team from Binghamton University and the State University of New York explains the connection between mass layoffs and data breaches, theorizing that...