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UAV Search and Rescue System

A Team of experts from Malaysia suggests a practical solution for search and rescue operations that involves a real-time human detection system using a...
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Smartphones Can Spy on You Without Using Your Camera

Smartphone ambient light sensors are used to automatically adjust screen brightness, but researchers reveal that they can be turned into cameras and used to...
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Innovative Multi-Target Electronic Warfare Weapon

Electronic warfare is said to be the next big frontier, and this new Chinese multi-target weapon design might be revolutionary. Researchers at the Southeast University...
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Protecting Operation Technologies in Production Lines as a Market Accelerator Trigger...

Written by Or Shalom OT (Operation Technologies) is in charge of physical operational processes for different needs in various sectors. They function as production lines...
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Revolutionary High-Speed Signal Processor Analyzes 400,000 Images at the Same Time

A team of global scientists has introduced an ultra-high speed signal processor that can analyze 400,000 real-time video images at the same time, potentially...
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Ukraine’s Homegrown Kamikaze Drones

Ukraine’s Homegrown Kamikaze Drones The Ukrainian Army has acquired a UAV that can target strategic sites in Russian territory. The AQ 400 Scythe drone...
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The New and Revolutionary ANYmal Robot

Experts have been working for years to create legged robots, but they seem to still be weak, slow, inefficient, or fragile to take over...
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Bluetooth Trackers Used for Crime

Bluetooth trackers are useful for finding your phone, your keys, or your luggage. They do so by emitting a Bluetooth signal (that varies from...
quantum encryption

New Tool Deters Quantum-Powered Cyberattacks

New Tool Deters Quantum-Powered Cyberattacks The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC) reportedly turned to quantum protection methods to protect a foreign exchange transaction...
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IBM Unveils Quantum 1,000+ Qubit Processor

IBM unveils its much-awaited 1,000+ qubit quantum processor “Condor” alongside a utility-scale processor dubbed IBM Quantum Heron, which is the first in a series...
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China’s New CPU Boasts Supercomputing Capabilities

China has unveiled its latest supercomputer which is powered by a new processor with 384 cores that can perform more than 13 trillion TFLOPS....

Microsoft Introduces New Chips, Competing for AI Dominance

Microsoft has unveiled two new chips that are specifically tailored for AI workloads. The first is the custom-designed “Azure Maia 100” silicon chip optimized for...
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These Powerful Lasers Fit on your Fingertip

Scientists have created a revolutionarily small ultrafast mode-locked laser system. An ultrafast mode-locked laser system is a type of system that generates extremely short pulses...
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Quantum Corridor Revolutionizes Instant Data Transmission

Quantum Corridor, one of the world's fastest, most secure quantum networks, was able to transmit information 1,000 times faster than traditional networks thus paving...
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New Superpowered AI Chip Developed by Oxford Researchers

Scientists from Oxford University partnered with scientists from Germany and the UK to develop a new kind of AI hardware that uses light to...
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Call for Investors

Due to the current security situation, the Technology Innovation Centre is pushing to find investors to support startups participating in its programs. The participating startups...
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New Energy-Efficient AI Chip is Inspired by the Brain

Artificial intelligence is powered by great amounts of electricity, and in order to run complicated applications like behavior monitoring, facial recognition software, or live...
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These Two Tech Giants Announce New ‘AI Factories’

The world's biggest chip company Nvidia and the iPhone maker Foxconn are reportedly joining forces to build what they call "AI factories". The companies...
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New tech can guide drones without relying on GPS

Researchers at The University of Tokyo and telecommunications company NTT in Japan developed an RFID-based guidance system for autonomous drones. Drones conventionally rely on imaging...
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AI Algorithm Against Cyberattacks on Robots

Australian researchers have developed an AI algorithm to detect and stop a cyberattack on a military robot in seconds using deep-learning neural networks. Deep learning...
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Zombie Routers Used for DDoS Attacks

This cyberattack campaign is targeting thousands of routers and turning them into bots for DDoS attacks. There were thirteen payloads in this variant of Mirai,...
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Zero-Day Vulnerabilities: What Are They What Can We Do Against Them

As we become increasingly reliant on digital platforms, so grow the threats, and one of the main fundamentals of cybersecurity is understanding potential vulnerabilities....


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Data Breaches Are Connected to Mass Layoffs, Research

A research team from Binghamton University and the State University of New York explains the connection between mass layoffs and data breaches, theorizing that...