Searching for threats on the web

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17034298_sMany indications of a planned terror attack can be found on the web. An Israeli company has developed techniques to “dig” those pieces of data in the most efficient way.

Homeland security has always presented formidable and complex challenges to the professionals working to secure their national interests and thwart potential attacks. These professionals are constantly faced with new and evolving threats including the most recent rise in homegrown terror activities and lone terror operatives.

Terrogence provides homeland security agencies with the most comprehensive reports available gathered from terrorist networks and individuals operating throughout the Websphere.

” We have been providing homeland security agencies with both tailor-made intelligence reports assessing direct and indirect threats to state interests, as well as periodical reports such as Looking Glass, Hydra and Mobius, which offer government agencies timely periodical updates on the most significant terror-related activities and propaganda being discussed and disseminated over the web’s peer-to-peer platforms.” Says Yotam Gutman , the company’s sales manager.

He revealed that the company’s experts know how to create virtual identities and use the web to extract information,

“We know how to communicate in every forum we join. This enables us to get the needed data and analyze it”

The company employs experts that master foreign languages that can participate “naturally” in any forum discussion.

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