Mass Shooting Incidents Can be Prevented

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There has been 323 mass shooting incidents in the United States during 2018. This number is 346 for the year 2017 and 382 for 2016. “Mass shooting” is defined as cases where four or more people are shot or killed in the same time period and location.
The statistics raise public safety concerns, and there is an increasing need not only in improvement in post-incident handling and investigation, but also in new prevention technologies.
There are several gunshot detection solutions. AI weapon detection offers a more efficient alternative to prevent active shooting.
Gunshot detection solutions commonly used by law enforcement agencies to detect and locate gun fires function based on acoustic recordings and analyses and often in combination with signals detected by sensors of the optical flash and shockwave when a gun is fired, according to
However, with the development of artificial intelligence in object recognition, AI weapon detection offers a more efficient alternative to prevent active shooting: AI can visually detect guns based on their shapes before they are fired. The AI is trained to recognize firearms in different shapes, sizes, colors, and at different angles in videos, so that the AI weapon detector can be deployed with existing cameras systems, analyze the video feeds, and instantly notify security staff when a gun is spotted.
In addition to advantages for law enforcement and public security agencies, this type of visual-based pre-incident detector has three-fold advantages for the public:
Save lives by spotting the shooter before the shooting event;
With an AI weapon detector, when a gun is spotted, the system sends an alert to security staff, who can quickly control the situation in an organized manner and apprehend the intending shooter;
Can be added as a SaaS (Security as a Service) component to small business and home surveillance systems, e.g., intrusion detection alerts.