Poland Purchases Patriot Missiles

patriot missiles

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The US Army has awarded Raytheon a new Foreign Military Sales (FMS) contract, worth more than $1.5bn, to manufacture Patriot missile units for Poland. Under the deal, the company will be responsible for the production and delivery of four Patriot (Phased Array Tracking Radar to Intercept on Target) integrated air and missile defense systems, in addition to spare parts, support and training.

Work on the project is expected to be completed in December 2022.

The Patriot missile defense system comprises radars, command-and-control technology and different types of interceptors. It is used to detect, identify and defeat tactical ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, drones, advanced aircraft and other emerging threats.

The integrated air and missile defense system helps defend and protect NATO and Europe against a range of ballistic and cruise missiles, advanced aircraft, and unmanned aerial vehicles.

Announced by the US Department of Defense (DoD), the current contract is for Phase I of Poland’s two-phase medium-range integrated air and missile defense procurement program, WISLA. Under Phase II of the WISLA program, Poland intends to purchase additional Patriot fire units, in addition to gallium nitride-based 360° active electronically scanning array radars and the low-cost interceptor missile SkyCeptor.

Army-technology.com reports that the governments of Poland and the US signed a letter of offer and acceptance (LOA) for the acquisition of the Raytheon-built Patriot system last March.