Revolutionizing Drone Traffic in Urban Space

Revolutionizing Drone Traffic in Urban Space

drone traffic

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Using unmanned cargo drones for the delivery of commercial packages offers lots of distinct advantages. First, it eliminates the challenges that normally cause unnecessary delays in package delivery. Drones are not subject to the constraints of traffic snarl-ups or infrastructural limitations. They can traverse even the most challenging terrains, covering both land and water without any hindrance.

However, the current aviation infrastructure is not yet suited to handle their extensive use because drones are not inherently designed for heavy air traffic areas. It is, in fact, becoming increasingly urgent to find a way to get drones and regular manned aircraft to coexist without incident.

Current management frameworks mainly rely on voice communication between pilots and air-control stations as well as on radar detection.  Only larger, more expensive drones have the capacity to handle such communication.

For this reason, Deep Aero is set to create a self-governing framework for managing both manned and unmanned aircraft harmoniously. Its Unmanned Aircraft System Traffic Management (UTM) platform is a system driven by blockchain and AI technologies, offering autonomous air traffic management for all types of aircraft. Using this framework, both manned and unmanned aircraft will enjoy safe flights without the risk of crossing paths and causing harm to their passengers or cargo.

Incorporating data from manned air traffic control systems and global airspace data, the platform will combine this with other supplemental information about the weather, terrain, and obstacles in the path of drones to eliminate accidental collisions. Moreover, UTM will make it possible for drones to communicate with each other giving information about their immediate surroundings.

The system will not require continuous monitoring by human operators. They would only intervene when there is a need for strategic decisions, according to

The platform will assure that flight plans meet all regulatory requirements with AI-driven rules-based airspace intelligence. Active or planned flights can adapt to change in airspace conditions, including wind, visibility and temperature, for optimal performance. The company website promises maximum situational awareness with real-time notifications of nearby traffic, based on the flight plan and live telemetry.