Egozi: Another Failure at Israel’s Border with Gaza


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By Arie Egozi

Israel sells its border security technologies worldwide, but our own borders are being breached. This morning, a serious disaster was thwarted when IDF forces detained armed terrorist that infiltrated from Gaza deep into Israel’s territory.

On March 27 morning, IDF forces detained three Palestinian terrorists carrying hand grenades and knives, who infiltrated from the Gaza strip and managed to reach some 20 km from the strip border to Ze’elim region, next to a military base. A police sapper neutralized the grenades with a police robot. The circumstances are under investigation. There were no injuries in the incident, and the IDF announced that everything is back to normal.

Back to normal. Until when will we count on our luck? Where are all the border security systems that Israel exports globally? Simple mines could have also been suitable for the task.

But there are dozens of other measures sold all over the world but not operated along the border with Gaza. Someone has been not paying attention and this might cost us a heavy price.

The incident occurred just a few days after terrorists infiltrated from Gaza and set fire to heavy mechanic equipment employed in the construction of the ground obstacle. The IDF did not draw conclusions from the incident and this morning there was an additional infiltration.

This is a wake-up call to the Southern Command which is responsible for this volatile border with Gaza. It will not be a quiet border, so Israel must use any technology developed here in order to prevent such infiltrations, that are being carried out too easily.

iHLS Editor-in-Chief