“Big Brother” is seeing everything, but now also tells what to do?

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MLM-REMOS (NXP)The MLM division of Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) has developed a Command, Control and Communication system that is fusing sensors used in homeland security but also offers the best way to handle emergencies.

This unique Command, Control and Communications Centers (MC4) capabilities, in the regional and national level, will be unveiled at the LAAD Exhibition in Brazil next week.

The MC4 systems integrate IAI’s large-scale command and control capabilities as well as intelligence processing systems.

MC4 implements communications monitoring and localization,  with all-weather surveillance by radar and electro-optical means employed on the ground and in the air. This unique system provides law enforcement agencies a proactive, rapid response capability.

After the system detects a security incident, it immediately offers the security forces advice on what to do – it will immediately notify the hospitals in the area , it will call in the police force and it will do all this with a geo reference capability to give the incident commander a reference to all the forces in the area.

Such a system has been already installed in Brazil and according to a source was tested in real conditions.

The system is a total solution in “safe city” programs and in any other place involving big crowds and a potential for emergencies.

MC4 illustration

REMOS HLS Scenario