Call for Proposals for Startups in Defense and HLS Fields

ihls security accelerator

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iHLS, the global media leader in security technology, is inviting entrepreneurship in this field to join the third cycle of the world first accelerator at the homeland security sphere.

The accelerator will focus on a variety of technology fields, including:

  • safe city / smart city
  • artificial intelligence, deep learning
  • communications
  • hardware
  • nanotechnology: antennas, defense
  • video analytics
  • biometrics
  • big data for intelligence
  • Internet of Things (IoT)
  • cyber – cyber security, cyber for intelligence
  • situational intelligence
  • sensors and imaging, radar
  • electro-optics
  • command, control, communications systems
  • electronic warfare
  • virtual reality (VR)
  • augmented reality (AR)
  • reconnaissance and observation, early warning
  • target acquisition and fire control
  • unmanned systems and robots
  • civil defense
  • first responders
  • counter terror
  • perimeter security
  • wearable technology
  • future forces

In fact, we’re looking for a whole range of subjects relating to the various aspects of the security technology field, as long as they present technological innovation and security orientation.

For Whom is this Program Intended?

The accelerator is designated for technological projects after a feasibility test, who are seeking professional, technological, business and marketing guidance. The accelerator is open to startups in all development stages.

What Are We Offering?

The accelerator is part of the innovative Lighthouse start-ups scalerator in Ra’anana.

The start-ups selected to participate in iHLS accelerator work within the program’s premises, and enjoy a variety of support and counselling services directed at the entrepreneurial world. The sponsors are the program’s mentors, including the professional instructions at Lighthouse, thus the program includes specific professional support on the security and technological aspects by the defense industries, alongside the professional technological, business and marketing oriented counselling by Lighthouse’s own mentors,

aimed at accelerating the product’s development while simultaneously finding a substantial client.

The projects enjoy the supportive eco-system of the leading defense companies in Israel, and of course receive international exposure during the events, conferences and exhibitions organized by iHLS.

The investment fund that iHLS has been establishing, a unique fund for defense and homeland security technology, will examine the compatibility of start-ups and will consider whether to invest in start-ups accepted to the accelerator and to support them.

What’s on the Program?

Between 5 to 15 selected start-ups will participate at the third cycle of the accelerator, a four-month cycle.

The program includes various contents from the law, business, finances and marketing spheres, as well as meet-ups with mentors, potential investors, defense industries and companies, and delegations from abroad.    

The accelerator is managed by Tal Catran, one of the pioneers of the Israeli accelerator realm, with vast experience in guiding and accompanying entrepreneurs and start-ups, and an international speaker on entrepreneurship and innovation.

Dana Bensignor is the accelerator’s community manager.

The companies that sponsor the accelerator include, among others, the Israeli Aerospace Industries (IAI), Raytheon, Verint, Incubit – Elbit Systems’ Incubator, Lighthouse, PwC and Herzog Fox Neeman Law Office.

The startups that will pass the first stage will present to the steering committee/board. The candidates will be selected by the professional steering committee, which includes all the sponsoring companies.

Apply now! Registration to the accelerator’s third cycle is now open.

For more details