iHLS Startup Festival is Getting Closer

startup festival

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If you have an innovative start-up in any field – the iHLS Startup Festival is just for you!

Gaming, fintech, big data, nano-technology, cyber, machine vision, medical, IoT, AR/VR, unmanned systems and robots, intelligence and surveillance, communication, mobile, wearable technologies, sensors, video analytics, laser, smart city/safe city, artificial intelligence, biometrics, command and control, electro-optics, simulation, or any other technology.

The spectacular Startup Festival organized by iHLS will showcase dozens of startups from Israel and abroad from all the technology fields, which will unveil their ideas and innovations.

The festival which will take place on March 29th will bring together senior industry figures from Israel and the world and some 50 startups which were selected from the leading accelerators in Israel.

The Startup Festival program will include keynotes by leading experts, Startup Live competition, speed-dating between startups and potential investors, unveil of the entrepreneurs’ ideas, professional counseling and direction by experienced figures, accelerator and startup exhibition, as well as round tables connecting entrepreneurs with investor VC funds and industry leaders.

The winning startups at the Startup Live competition will be able to receive two flight tickets, accommodation and entrance to the annual Pioneers Festival in Vienna, participation in the world startup Pioneers competition vis a vis world startups and the opportunity to participate in a European incubation program which offers an exposure to the thriving European market.


Booth/sponsorship:  [email protected]  [email protected]  +972-52-3653165