C4I Technologies for Terrain Dominance Conference – Innovation at its Best

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Many participants from the ranks of the Israeli police, the IDF, the defense and civilian industries, came today to learn about the newest technologies presented at the iHLS fourth annual conference on C4I Technologies for Terrain and Urban Dominance.

The first presentation at the conference, chaired by Arik Davidi, was given by Commander Ofer Shenhav, head of the Technological Means Development Dept. of the Israeli police. It was followed by Roni Amir, WAPS expert from the IAI/Elta, Adam Rosenberg, marketing and business development director at Elbit, Tal Kaufman, Simtal’s founder and CEO, Meir Hahami, DSIT’s CTO, Tal Manuel Zipori, partner and product manager at VirT, and Gideon Rosen, MAGNA’s marketing manager.

A vast array of technologies of sensing, command and control, surveillance, data fusion, VR/AR technologies and more were presented at the conference and the exhibition as the power multipliers of terrain dominance.

Among the applications were the police’s use of terrain dominance tools such as data gathering for incrimination, identification, fire location, real-time alerts and more – while trying to safeguard the citizens’ privacy.

Also presented at the conference were multi-disciplinary systems – various sensors which support the contemporary battlefield, with larger combat zones, low signature targets and the participation of non-state organizations in addition to states.

Terrain dominance systems enable the high resolution coverage of vast areas.

The fusion of the VISINT data has an important role in the shortening of the decision making process.

Underground optic fibers and computerized surveillance systems serve as innovative solutions for terrain dominance – along borders and vital installations, as well as for civilian uses.

The advantages of simulation via VR/AR were also presented, offering the military and police special forces original training tools.