US to Supply Radar Systems to its Ally Kuwait


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The US State Department has approved a possible sale to Kuwait of radar field systems and related equipment, training, and support. The total estimated value of this sale is $194 million.

Included in the deal would be six short-range radars, also known as gap filler radars, one long-range radar with primary and secondary surveillance radar arrays, upgrades to the existing AN/FPS 117 (V) 3 long-range radar, upgrades to airfield radome and communications systems, an upgrade to secure identification friend or foe systems, site surveys, installation and checkout, site acceptance testing, interim contractor support, construction, contractor logistics support, spares, support equipment and training.

The AN/FPS-117 is a 3-dimensional air search radar produced by Lockheed Martin, and is equipped with computer software remote controlled and monitored operations to minimize manning requirements.

According to the Defense Security Coopertaion Agency’s statement, this proposed sale supports U.S. government national security goals by aiding a major non-NATO ally in the reduction of transnational threats, weapons proliferation, and the movement and support of international terrorists.

The government of Kuwait desires the radar field system in order to improve early warning, enhance internal and external security, and protect national sovereignty. The system provides situational awareness for Kuwaiti security forces to detect and interdict fixed and rotary wing aircraft. This procurement provides coverage for Kuwait’s northern and eastern borders.

The prime contractor will be determined by competition between Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, and the Raytheon Company. There are no known offset agreements proposed in connection with this potential sale.

This procurement includes a small number of U.S. contractor system and maintenance advisors under a longterm operations and maintenance support package. The exact number of personnel and period of performance is yet to be finalized. This purchase will not substantially alter the U.S. Government presence in Kuwait.