Start-Up: Zeroing a Weapon with One Shot

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During the last decades, combat soldiers were forced to waste precious time, energy and ammunition in order to zero their rifles. A new development might shorten the process, which currently takes half an hour and 15 bullets at least, to 30 seconds and one bullet.

Waleed Kies, an engineer and ex-combat soldier himself, has been working for the last six months on the “One” system: “The system will give two options for zeroing. One is suitable for regular training and includes spreading the system out on the shooting ground, you still have to gather all the soldiers in one location. The other variation is a portable system, suitable for on-going operational activities, carried by a single soldier and the men take turns using it and zeroing their weapons”.

The demand for a simple system rose after occasions where due to developments on the battlefield, men couldn’t find an empty and distance location to fix their guns’ aim. Kies explained: “When a combat soldier goes in for an operational activity, and his weapons’ aim is off, it shakes his morale, confidence and therefore – his abilities”.

Experts have found great interest in the idea which is relevant for all rifle uses, not only military: police, hunters and athletes: “A shooting athlete comes in for a training session and wastes a nice amount of time fixing his weapons’ aim, thanks to ‘One’ his training will be much more efficient” claims Kies.

The way “One” works is that it analyzes the bullets course in the air and according to that, tells the shooter exactly how much and to which direction he needs to fix the direction. Seeing as making the whole zeroing process shorter has been an issue for a long time, others have tried to find a solution.

One of the more popular ones is a laser beam fixed inside the gun’s barrel. The idea is that wherever the laser is pointing that’s where the bullet will go. This solution’s efficiency is debatable for two reasons. The first is that this technology ignores the fact that the bullets course is curvy, not straight. The second reason is that the device’s instruction manual claims that after zeroing using the laser technology the shooter needs to go through the regular process to make sure.

“If you need to zero regularly later, why use the laser in the first place? The solution ‘One’ proposes is huge time and money saver. Recent examinations of the prototype have shown great results”. Said Kies.

The new and exciting start up is taking part in the iHLS’s accelerator.

Application to Accelerator