US Congress Debates Whether to Publish Last Chapter Of 9/11 Report

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An American commission established to investigate the events that took place in the  9/11 terror attack interviewed hundreds of witnesses and compiled a report of more than 800 pages. The last chapter of the report, however, has been classified for the last thirteen years.

The White House said that within the next sixty days it will decide whether or not declassify the 28-page chapter.

Those familiar with the contents of the classified document indicate that it would reveal a Saudi Arabia-based support network which helped the hijackers 9/11 in the United States.

According to Homeland Security News Wire, the investigation into the 9/11 terrorist attacks established that the first hijacker arrived in the United States in January 2000, and flew to Los Angeles after attending an al-Qaeda conference in Malaysia. Fifteen of the nineteen hijackers were Saudi nationals.

The 9/11 Commission found that the hijackers arrived in the United States with no experience in the West and little English. Still, they quickly found comfortable housing in San Diego and enrolled in flight schools – and evidence shows that the hijackers managed all this as a result of the close assistance given them by Saudi intelligence agent Omar al-Bayoumi.

Fox News notes that on the day he met the terrorists, Bayoumi was in contact with Anwar al-Awlaki, a New Mexico-born radical Islamist imam at a San Diego mosque, who was a senior Al-Qaeda recruiter and motivator.

After the 9/11 attacks, al-Awlaki left the United States for Yemen, where he founded Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP). Al Awlaki was killed by aU.S. drone strike in September 2011.

The published 9/11 Commission’s report, released in 2003, contained the sentence: “[…] we have found no evidence that the Saudi government as an institution or senior Saudi officials individually funded the organization.”

Unofficially, Saudi Arabia said it would welcome the declassification of the twenty-eight pages.