WATCH: Uran-9, Russia’s New Unmanned Mini Tank

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Rostec, a Russian state-controlled defence manufacturer, has announced that its new Uran-9 unmanned ground vehicle (UGV) will be joining the ranks by year end. The mini tank is armed with a coaxial 7.62mm machine gun, anti-tank missiles, and 30mm automatic cannon capable of firing 350 to 400 round per minute.

Rostec designed Uran-9 for reconnaissance missions and to provide fire support to infantry counterterrorism units. Uran-9 is not designed to be deployed as an independent or separate vehicle. Due to its small stature, Uran is particularly well suited for operations in urban environments.

As part of a whole system, any potential customer would receive two recon and fire support robots, a tractor for their transportation, and a mobile control station. How much such a package might cost, however, has not been revealed so far.

“Russian developers possess all of the required competencies to create modern military robotics that will be in demand on the international market,” said Boris Simakin of Rosoboronexport, the state arms export corporation, in a press release.

To fully utilise its fire power, Uran is equipped with target detection, identification, and tracking systems, as well as a laser warning system. The tank’s four 9M120 Ataka anti-tank missiles can hit a target at a distance of 4km with 90 percent probability, according to Popular Mechanics. Ataka missiles are designed to “defeat so-called ‘reactive armor’ tiles by using a smaller charge to detonate the reactive armor, allowing the main charge hit the enemy’s main armor.”

Additionally, Uran is armed with four Igla-S surface-to-air missiles that can shoot low-flying aircraft.